Reposting my #introduction after the move: I live in #Wellington #Nz aka #Aotearoa. I'm a #BusinessAnalyst. I'm a #PublicServant.
In my sparerine I'm a #writer who #writes #shortstories, usually #ScienceFiction, #Fantasy, #Horror. I especially love #CosmicHorror, #WeirdFiction, and #SpaceOperas.
I'm working on my 1st #novel but writing comes second to #parenting
I love #DoctorWho, #StarTrek, & #superheroes and #documentaries
I'm a #leftist though still figuring out exactly what type
#introduction #wellington #nz #aotearoa #BusinessAnalyst #publicservant #writer #writes #shortstories #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #cosmichorror #weirdfiction #SpaceOperas #novel #parenting #doctorwho #startrek #superheroes #documentaries #leftist
An #introduction - I live in #Wellington #Nz aka #Aotearoa aka #NewZealand. I'm a Business Analyst. I work for the Govt.
In my spare time I am a #writer who #writes short stories, usually #ScienceFiction, #Fantasy, #Horror. I especially love #CosmicHorror, #WeirdFiction, and #SpaceOperas.
I'm working on my 1st #novel but writing comes second to #parenting
I love #DoctorWho, #StarTrek, & #superheroes and #documentaries
I'm a #leftist though still figuring out exactly what type
#introduction #wellington #nz #aotearoa #newzealand #writer #writes #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #cosmichorror #weirdfiction #SpaceOperas #novel #parenting #doctorwho #startrek #superheroes #documentaries #leftist