On space.
The enduring challenge of the coming generation will be to manage the traffic jam, garbage dump & market dominance in the Low Earth Orbit.
#MastIndia #SpaceMission #Space #India #Chandrayaan #SpacePolicy #TechPolicy
#mastindia #spacemission #Space #india #chandrayaan #SpacePolicy #techpolicy
Deborah Faboade - Collaborative Efforts to Promote the Space Sector:
#Kenya #KSA #SouthAfrica #SANSA #SpaceTechnology #Collaboration #SpacePolicy #Policy
#kenya #ksa #southafrica #SANSA #SpaceTechnology #collaboration #SpacePolicy #policy
I will be building off of some of the concepts I introduced in Section 5 of the written component of my previous presentation and I would love to hear your thoughts on my work as I shape my presentation for this year. (https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alyson-decker-41459134_preserving-unspoiled-space-for-future-generations-activity-7091818211788140544-hdX5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)
Can’t make it to Azerbaijan, then maybe I will see you at ASCEND 2023 in Las Vegas. (Where I will also be presenting.)
Let me know if you are going to IAC or ASCEND this year!
#iac2023 #ascendconvention #spacelaw #spacepolicy #fedilaw #lawfedi
#lawfedi #fedilaw #SpacePolicy #spacelaw #ascendconvention #iac2023
RT - India needs ‘space-based’ weapons – top generals:
#SpaceArmsRace #ArmsRace #OrbitalWeapons #AntiSatellite #ASAT #MilitaryPolicy #SpacePolicy
#SpacePolicy #MilitaryPolicy #ASAT #AntiSatellite #OrbitalWeapons #ArmsRace #SpaceArmsRace
RT @SciPolJournal
🆕@SciPolJournal & @SciPolNetwork are pleased to release the 2022 Winter Standard Issue. #JSPGMidterms
Read 11 articles addressing topics such as #openscience #climateliteracy #spacepolicy + more!
Full issue: http://bit.ly/JSPGVol22Issue01
#SpacePolicy #ClimateLiteracy #openscience #jspgmidterms
Great article on the French near-#SpacePolicy: https://satelliteobservation.net/2023/01/10/france-debates-its-near-space-policy/
When NASA collaborated with social scientists to engage the public in two-way conversations about the agency’s Asteroid Initiative, the outcome surprised everyone
#DeliberativeDemocracy #publicpolicy #PublicEngagement #sciencepolicy #NASA #sciencecommunication #openinnovation #spacepolicy #TechnologyAssessment
#DeliberativeDemocracy #publicpolicy #PublicEngagement #sciencepolicy #nasa #sciencecommunication #openinnovation #SpacePolicy #TechnologyAssessment
If the title of this podcast appeals to you as much as it does me, then we should probably get to know one another. Thanks to Emeline for inviting me on, for the opportunity to share and for the exceedingly generous description. I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to actually earn it.
#StarTrek #Sharing #Space #SciFi #SocioPolitical #SocialSystems #SpacePolicy #Futurism
#futurism #SpacePolicy #socialsystems #sociopolitical #SciFi #Space #sharing #startrek
@HourRutger So as requested:
#spaceflight #spacecurrentevents #SpacePolicy #currentevents #nature #birds #rabbitsaspets
RT @SpaceWatchGL: Register Today For Our Space Café “33 minutes with Catherine Kavvada” On 5 April 2022 #CatherineKavvada @defis_eu #NewSpace #SpaceCooperation #SpaceDiplomacy #SpacePolicy #SpaceTrafficManagement @EU_Commission #EUSpace #EUDefenceIndustry
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/defis_eu/status/1510921532058570752
[2022-04-04 10:05 UTC]
#CatherineKavvada #NewSpace #SpaceCooperation #SpaceDiplomacy #SpacePolicy #SpaceTrafficManagement #EUSpace #EUDefenceIndustry