Started watching #SpaceSweepers the other night and man if anyone ever adapts #MurderBotDiaries for the screen it should be these people. Dystopian future aesthetic, check. Rabid anti-capitalism, check. Cheeky machine intelligences, check.
#SpaceSweepers #MurderBotDiaries
@catzilla Interesting, I started to watch #spacesweepers and while the movie seems promising (at least on a sci-fi entertainment level), I got tired of the Korean stereotypes.
It was almost like seeing a mirror image of a show I tired a couple of days ago, also Korean (the name escapes me). It's as if they have a box of crayons, and you have 6 colors of roles to pick from.
Not to say American movies are much better, they have only black and white colors usually...
Space Sweepers has got to be one of my favorite movies of all time. Hands down.
Every time I read about #ElonMusk I have the urge to rewatch the movie #spacesweepers
feels like the kind of design I would expect to see on a spaceship. Wait that movie was already made #spacesweepers
This movie was pretty funny. It's on netflix.
Tipico scenario, Terra al collasso, essere umano colonizzatore dei dintorni. Un'astronave con dentro una banda di sopravvissuti, un po' pirati, un po' GuardianiDellaGalassia con sfiga 2X, un androide bomba con le sembianze di una tenera bimba da riconsegnare al proprietario, sono gli ingredienti per un film coreano tutto sommato scorrevole con qualche situazione (e shakerata di camera) ripetuta più del necessario, ma piacevole. #SpaceSweepers (Netflix)
How I see Elon Musk
Finished watching #SpaceSweepers / #승리호 / #勝利號 on Netflix , and I'm expecting a world like this movie that everyone could speak in his/her own language and every body could still understand each other, although it's through Universal Translator....
#SpaceSweepers, koreanische Fun-SciFi, Weltraummüllsammler und Nanobots, Exoskelette und Harpunen.
Sehr spaßig, sehr asiatisch. Mir gefällt das Design sehr. Die Story ist auch okay und ein paar “Hääâ??”-Moment kann ich verkraften.
Mit Richard Armitage als visionärer CEO, der lieber den Mars terraformen will, als die Erde zu retten. Ähnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen sind Zufall…