Today's Mando Episode was a feast for my eyes. Gorgeous ships everywhere! Those gauntlet fighters have become a new favorite of mine. And that light Imperial Cruiser with the Mythosaur Marking on is just **Chef's Kiss**
Eine Osterpause, nicht ohne mein #easteregg .
Das neue Format im Götterkomplex Feed;
#raumschiffliebe , hat das Licht der Welt erblickt.
Ein Raumschiff-Design Podcast:
#podcast #spaceship #space #weltraum #raumschiffdesign #design #SpaceShipDesign #SpaceshipPorn #spaceshiplove
#easteregg #raumschiffliebe #podcast #spaceship #space #weltraum #raumschiffdesign #design #SpaceShipDesign #SpaceshipPorn #spaceshiplove
And of course, I cannot talk about spaceships without mentioning the Rocianante from The Expanse.
I love that sweet, legitimate salvage. Even when it's disguised as a gas hauler.
And here is the USS Defiant from Deep Space Nine:
This is another smaller Federation vessel built for defense against the Borg and the Dominion especially. It's compact, round design is charming.
The Defiant also has a beautiful spaceship butt.
Plus: Bonus Bird of Prey and Starbase <3
How about a thread of sexy spaceships to lighten the mood? Feel free to add your own favorites.
I will start with one I have a very soft spot for:
The Section 31 Stealth Ship from DISCO. Plus, it has a gorgeous spaceship butt.