Another #MontereyCountyWeekly article noted in #Bicycling #Monterey's #Cycling to #MontereyCounty’s #History Spots
"Seven #flags that fly over Monterey tell the story of the city’s past and present" by Celia Jiménez, July 27, 2023
#Argentina #California #Mexico #Spain #USA #UShistory #MexicanHistory #SpanishHistory #CaliforniaHistory
#BajaCalifornia #AltaCalifornia
#montereycountyweekly #Bicycling #monterey #montereycounty #history #flags #argentina #california #mexico #spain #USA #cycling #ushistory #mexicanhistory #SpanishHistory #californiahistory #bajacalifornia #altacalifornia #BikeTooter
O programa do congresso internacional "Espanha Traumática: Guerra, Ditadura, Resistências, 1936-1976" já está disponível no nosso website.
O congresso terá como conferencistas convidados Gutmaro Gómez Bravo e José Luis Villacañas, ambos da Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
#histodons #HistoryMeetings #SpanishHistory #SpanishCivilWar #Spain #GuerraCivilDeEspaña #HistoriaDeEspaña #Dictatorships #Dictadura #Resistance #Resistencia
#histodons #historymeetings #SpanishHistory #spanishcivilwar #spain #guerracivildeespana #HistoriadeEspana #dictatorships #dictadura #resistance #resistencia
🇪🇸 Na próxima semana, acolheremos o Encontro da Oficina de Estudos sobre o Poder e os Povos de Espanha. Será uma ocasião para jovens investigadore/as especializados no século XX em Espanha partilharem e discutirem os seus últimos trabalhos.
#histodons #SpanishHistory #spain #peoplesofspain
The blog post’s mostly centred around #HistoricalMemory: how and why he’s remembered differently in Spain’s ongoing ‘memory wars,’ and includes recent updates on the Democratic Memory Law passed only a few a weeks ago.
#historicalmemory #SpanishHistory #europeanhistory
The blog post’s mostly centred around #HistoricalMemory / #MemoriaHistorica: how and why he’s remembered differently and how activists and academics are challenging this long-standing narrative in what's been termed Spain’s ongoing ‘memory wars.’ The blog post also includes updates on the recent Democratic Memory Law passed only a few a weeks ago.
#historicalmemory #SpanishHistory #europeanhistory #memoriahistorica #spain
New: Vol. 79, n.2 of Anuario de Estudios Americanos #journal #histodons.
On the #Atlantic economy and the #SlaveTrade in the #16thCentury
#earlymodern #SpanishHistory #SpanishEmpire #IberoAmerica #CSIC
#journal #histodons #atlantic #slavetrade #16thcentury #earlymodern #SpanishHistory #spanishempire #IberoAmerica #csic
New: Vol. 79, n.2 of Anuario de Estudios Americanos #journal #histodons.
On the #Atlantic economy and the #SlaveTrade in the #16thCentury
#earlymodern #SpanishHistory #SpanishEmpire #IberoAmerica #CSIC
#journal #histodons #atlantic #slavetrade #16thcentury #earlymodern #SpanishHistory #spanishempire #IberoAmerica #csic