Jacked up my back last week and ended up bingeing all three seasons of #Narcos on #Netflix ...
Me being me, of course I adapted the theme song into English lol
#englishCover #translator #spanishMusic #Tuyo #RodrigoAmarante
#narcos #netflix #englishcover #translator #SpanishMusic #tuyo #rodrigoamarante
Flamenco Strumming Practice with Golpe & Rasgueado #Shorts
Practicing a strum with the Flamenco techniques Golpe and Rasgueado followed by up and down strokes with the index finger. At the end is a slow demo of the strumming hand movements.
#FlamencoFriday #FlamencoTechnique #FlamencoUkulele #Golpe #Golpeador #Metronome #Percussion #PercussiveStrum #PercussiveUkulele #Rasgueado #SpanishMusic #StrummingPractice #Uke #Ukelele #Ukulele #UkulelePractice #UkuleleFlamenco
#shorts #flamencofriday #flamencotechnique #flamencoukulele #golpe #golpeador #metronome #percussion #percussivestrum #percussiveukulele #rasgueado #SpanishMusic #strummingpractice #uke #ukelele #ukulele #ukulelepractice #ukuleleflamenco