Healing our #Environment means not just cutting carbon emissions, although it certainly means that. We also have to address #ResourceUse, #SpeciesExtinction, and #Pollution writ large. This will mean changing some of the ways we live, often for the better.
#Pollution #SpeciesExtinction #resourceuse #Environment
'Shameful and Heartbreaking': Largest Wolf Cull in Modern History Underway in Sweden
#Wolves #SpeciesExtinction
Farah Master & Albee Zhang - Chinese Paddlefish and Wild Yangtze Sturgeon Now Extinct:
#ChinesePaddlefish #YangtzeSturgeon #YangtzeRiver #EnvironmentalConservation #Conservation #IUCN #Overfishing #WaterPollution #NoisePollution #Pollution #HumanEncroachment #EndangeredSpecies #SpeciesExtinction #Extinction
#extinction #SpeciesExtinction #endangeredspecies #HumanEncroachment #pollution #noisepollution #waterpollution #overfishing #IUCN #conservation #EnvironmentalConservation #YangtzeRiver #YangtzeSturgeon #ChinesePaddlefish