Gary · @empiricism
175 followers · 526 posts · Server

1) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) young children that father Christmas is real.

2) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) adults that anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

The former (1) is generally a well intended confidence trick ("con trick"). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a good cause.

The latter (2) is a greed intended confidence trick (fraud). The deceiving adults perceive that the deception is for a monetary & political cause.

"A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the marks"

Young people ("children") are easy to con because they want to believe in the fantasy of, the spirit of, Christmas.

(On average) Adults are easy to con because they want to believe in their consumerist lifestyles (personal agendas) & products (e.g., combustion engined vehicles, fuel burning activities, plastic products, etc). And they don't want to believe that their lifestyles harm their children's health.

They don't want to believe that their lifestyles & governments are ruining their children's future (but they're). They want to believe that they're good people (well intended). In a monopolised - economic, political & consumerist culture, the easiest way to believe that , is to lie to yourself & believe the greenwash.

"Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and some trends are now irreversible, at least during the present time frame, according to the latest much-anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released on Monday (2021)"

Since 2021, the situation has become worse. More Greenhouse gases have been emitted. More ecological degradation has occurred. The ecocidel consumerism death machine continues to promote "growth" using methods that are killing life

Deception includes lies (disinformation). However, for a con-trick to be effective, the "mark" (the consumer, the voter) must desire something. The "con man" (person) users the desire of the individual to convince them, to sell them, an elaborate story. Once the "mark" has been indoctrinated - the "mark" then becomes an implicit agent that spreads the lies. The deception. The greenwash. The "mark" believes in the lie & becomes implicit in supporting & defending the lie & the liars.

Chances are (probability) that the person whom reads this has been greenwashed. Because, fundamentally, they want to believe in the greenwash.

I know adults that perceive themselves as people that care for the environment & the children's health & future, and yet they burn coal & wood, drive diesel vehicles, eat meat, support ecocide politicians & governments, and parrot repeat, word for word, what the fuel industries & associated politicians say.

At least the climate change deniers can make believe that their air polluting activities don't have consequences.

#disinformation #SpeciesExtinctions #ecology #ecologicalcrisis #christmas #ecocide #airpollution #climate #climatechange #unsustainable #desire #fossilfuels #carindustry #industry #biodiversity #deception #greenwash #greed #consumerism #indoctrination #climatedenial #plastic #meatindustry #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
175 followers · 526 posts · Server

1) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) young children that father Christmas is real.

2) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) adults that anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

The former (1) is generally a well intended confidence trick ("con trick"). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a good cause.

The latter (2) is a greed intended confidence trick (fraud). The deceiving adults perceive that the deception is for a monetary & political cause.

"A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the marks"

Young people ("children") are easy to con because they want to believe in the fantasy of, the spirit of, Christmas.

(On average) Adults are easy to con because they want to believe in their consumerist lifestyles (personal agendas) & products (e.g., combustion engined vehicles, fuel burning activities, plastic products, etc). And they don't want to believe that their lifestyles harm their children's health. They don't want to believe that their lifestyles & governments are ruining their children's future (but they're). They want to believe that they're good people (well intended). In a monopolised - economic, political & consumerist culture, the easiest way to believe that , is to lie to yourself.

"Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and some trends are now irreversible, at least during the present time frame, according to the latest much-anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released on Monday (2021)"

Since 2021, the situation has become worse. More Greenhouse gases have been emitted. More ecological degradation has occurred. The ecocidel consumerism death machine continues to promote "growth" using methods that are killing life

Deception includes lies (disinformation). However, for a con-trick to be effective, the "mark" (the consumer, the voter) must desire something. The "con man" (person) users the desire of the individual to convince them, to sell them, an elaborate story. Once the "mark" has been indoctrinated - the "mark" then becomes an implicit agent that spreads the lies. The deception. The greenwash. The "mark" believes in the lie & becomes implicit in supporting & defending the lie & the liars.

Chances are (probability) that the person whom reads this has been greenwashed. Because, fundamentally, they want to believe in the greenwash.

I know adults that perceive themselves as people that care for the environment & the children's health & future, and yet they burn coal & wood, drive diesel vehicles, eat meat, support ecocide politicians & governments, and parrot repeat, word for word, what the fuel industries & associated politicians say.

At least the climate change deniers can make believe that their air polluting activities don't have consequences.

#airpollution #greed #disinformation #climate #climatechange #SpeciesExtinctions #ecology #ecologicalcrisis #unsustainable #consumerism #christmas #desire #indoctrination #climatedenial #biodiversity #carindustry #meatindustry #politics #industry #deception #greenwash #ecocide #fossilfuels #plastic

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
175 followers · 525 posts · Server

1) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) young children that father Christmas is real.

2) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) adults that anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

The former (1) is generally a well intended confidence trick ("con trick"). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a good cause.

The latter (2) is a greed intended confidence trick (fraud). The deceiving adults perceive that the deception is for a monetary & political cause.

"A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the marks"

Young people ("children") are easy to con because they want to believe in the fantasy of, the spirit of, Christmas.

(On average) Adults are easy to con because they want to believe in their consumerist lifestyles (personal agendas) & products (e.g., combustion engined vehicles, fuel burning activities, plastic products, etc). And they don't want to believe that their lifestyles harm their children's health. They don't want to believe that their lifestyles & governments are ruining the their children's future (but they're)

"Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and some trends are now irreversible, at least during the present time frame, according to the latest much-anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released on Monday (2021)"

Since 2021, the situation has become worse. More Greenhouse gases have been emitted. More ecological degradation has occurred. The ecocidel consumerism death machine continues to promote "growth" using methods that are killing life

Deception includes lies (disinformation). However, for a con-trick to be effective, the "mark" (the consumer, the voter) must desire something. The "con man" (person) users the desire of the individual to convince them, to sell them, an elaborate story. Once the "mark" has been indoctrinated - the "mark" then becomes an implicit agent that spreads the lies. The deception. The greenwash. The "mark" believes in the lie & becomes implicit in supporting & defending the lie & the liars.

Chances are (probability) that the person whom reads this has been greenwashed. Because, fundamentally, they want to believe in the greenwash.

I know adults that perceive themselves as people that care for the environment & the children's health & future, and yet they burn coal & wood, drive diesel vehicles, eat meat, support ecocide politicians & governments, and parrot repeat, word for word, what the fuel industries & associated politicians say.

At least the climate change deniers can make believe that their air polluting activities don't have consequences.

#ecologicalcrisis #unsustainable #indoctrination #climatedenial #airpollution #greed #desire #fossilfuels #ecocide #disinformation #climate #consumerism #plastic #carindustry #meatindustry #greenwash #biodiversity #climatechange #SpeciesExtinctions #ecology #christmas #politics #industry #deception

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
175 followers · 525 posts · Server

1) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) young children that father Christmas is real.

2) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) adults that anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

The former (1) is generally a well intended confidence trick ("con trick"). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a good cause.

The latter (2) is a greed intended confidence trick (fraud). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a monetary & political cause.

"A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the marks"

Young people ("children") are easy to con because they want to believe in the fantasy of, the spirit of, Christmas.

(On average) Adults are easy to con because they want to believe in their consumerist lifestyles (agenda's) & products (e.g., combustion engined vehicles, fuel burning activities, plastic products, etc). And they don't want to believe that their lifestyles harm their children's health. They don't want to believe that their lifestyles & governments are ruining the their children's future (but they're)

"Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and some trends are now irreversible, at least during the present time frame, according to the latest much-anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released on Monday (2021)"

Since 2021, the situation has become worse. More Greenhouse gases have been emitted. More ecological degradation has occurred. The ecocidel consumerism death machine continues to promote "growth" using methods that are killing life

Deception includes lies (disinformation). However, for a con-trick to be effective, the "mark" (the consumer, the voter) must desire something. The "con man" (person) users the desire of the individual to convince them, to sell them, an elaborate story. Once the "mark" has been indoctrinated - the "mark" then becomes an implicit agency for the deception. The "mark" believes in the lie & becomes implicit in supporting & defending the lie & the liars.

Chances are (probability) that the person whom reads this has been greenwashed. Because, fundamentally, they want to believe in the greenwash.

I know adults that perceive themselves as people that care for the environment & the children's health & future, and yet they burn coal & wood, drive diesel vehicles, eat meat, support ecocide politicians & governments, and parrot repeat, word for word, what the fuel industries & associated politicians say.

At least the climate change deniers can make believe that their air polluting activities don't have consequences.

#airpollution #biodiversity #greed #disinformation #climate #climatechange #SpeciesExtinctions #ecologicalcrisis #unsustainable #indoctrination #climatedenial #politics #industry #deception #greenwash #ecocide #ecology #consumerism #christmas #desire #fossilfuels #plastic #carindustry #meatindustry

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
175 followers · 525 posts · Server

1) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) young children that father Christmas is real.

2) Some adults use the deception (lies) of an elaborate story to convince trusting (& gullible) adults that anthropogenic climate change isn't real.

The former (1) is generally a well intended confidence trick ("con trick"). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a good cause.

The latter (2) is a greed intended confidence trick (fraud). The deceiving adults believe that the deception is for a monetary & political cause.

"A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust. Confidence tricks exploit victims using their credulity, naïveté, compassion, vanity, confidence, irresponsibility, and greed.

Researchers have defined confidence tricks as "a distinctive species of fraudulent conduct intending to further voluntary exchanges that are not mutually beneficial", as they "benefit con operators ('con men') at the expense of their victims (the marks"

Young people ("children") are easy to con because they want to believe in the fantasy of, the spirit of, Christmas.

(On average) Adults are easy to con because they want to believe in their consumerist lifestyles (agenda's) & products (e.g., combustion engined vehicles, fuel burning activities, plastic products, etc). And they don't want to believe that their lifestyles harm their children's health. They don't want to believe that their lifestyles & governments are ruining the their children's future (but they're)

"Climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying, and some trends are now irreversible, at least during the present time frame, according to the latest much-anticipated Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released on Monday (2021)"

Since 2021, the situation has become worse. More Greenhouse gases have been emitted. More ecological degradation has occurred. The ecocidel consumerism death machine continues to promote "growth" using methods that are killing life

Deception includes lies (disinformation). However, for a con-trick to be effective, the "mark" (the consumer, the voter) must desire something. The "con man" (person) users the desire of the individual to convince them, to sell them, an elaborate story. Once the "mark" has been indoctrinated - the "mark" then becomes an implicit agency for the deception. The "mark" believes in the lie & becomes implicit in supporting & defending the lie & the liars.

Chances are (probability) that the person whom reads this has been greenwashed. Because, fundamentally, they want to believe in the greenwash.

I know adults that perceive themselves as people that care for the environment & the children's health & future, and yet they burn coal & wood, drive diesel vehicles, eat meat, support ecocide politicians & governments, and parrot repeat, word for word, what the fuel industries & associated politicians say.

At least the climate change deniers can make believe that their air polluting activities don't have consequences.

#biodiversity #SpeciesExtinctions #ecology #unsustainable #carindustry #consumerism #climatedenial #deception #ecocide #airpollution #greed #disinformation #climate #climatechange #ecologicalcrisis #christmas #desire #indoctrination #fossilfuels #plastic #meatindustry #politics #industry #greenwash

Last updated 2 years ago