Thanks to Fierce Autie for revealing these connections.
There IS a link between #Spectrum10k and Autism Speaks. They have denied it, but the evidence is there.
Find my take on it plus Fierce Auties Original post here
@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #autismspeaksdoesntspeakforme #handsoffmydna
#Spectrum10K #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #autismspeaksdoesntspeakforme #handsoffmydna
Good News, Everyone!
This weekend I cracked[0] Sir Simon Baron-Cohen's laptop, and uploaded one gibibyte[1] estrogen to his hard drive.
I took a screenshot of his lock screen as evidence that I didn't just make this up.
#Spectrum10K #TheoryOfMind #ToB #ExtremeMaleBrain #EMB
[0] Hacking ain't cracking, hmkay.
[1] This is why your own hard drive is always smaller than it says on the tin.
#Spectrum10K #theoryofmind #tob #extrememalebrain #emb
Spectrum 48K ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spectrum 16K ⭐️
Spectrum 10K 💩
#StopSpectrum10K #Spectrum10K #eugenics
📷 Bill Bertram/Wikimedia CC BY-SA 2.5
#stopspectrum10k #Spectrum10K #eugenics
David Gray-Hammond on the irreconcilability of the Spectrum 10K genetic research project with the well-being of Autistic people:
#actuallyautistic #eugenics #stopspectrum10k #Spectrum10K
#Spectrum10K team are also doing research on pre-natal testing for Autism.
I'm not surprised. We all said it was a slippery slope to the reintroduction (previously seen under Nazi rule) of eugenics.
Their #research is NOT for #ActuallyAutistic benefit
#Spectrum10K #research #actuallyautistic
Here is a link to everything you need to know about #Spectrum10k and the #BoycottSpectrum10K campaign so far.
#Spectrum10K #boycottspectrum10k
Spectrum 10k researchers aren't even hiding it anymore.
#boycottspectrum10k #Spectrum10K
Only a year ago, #Spectrum10K was a very scary threat for #Neurodivergent people terrified of the eugenics based consequences. Now, it’s a problem quietly happening all over again. Stop this madness, the priorities are completely misguided.
I agree with so many of the criticisms of the #Spectrum10k project. For starters, genetic research can be used for so much evil, as so many disabled people are aware of. Not to mention, why not address inaccessiblility, rather than trying to find a particular gene?
Seeing a lot of tweets in recent days talking about the controversial autism DNA project #Spectrum10K being “back”.
Here’s a short 🧵 explaining that it never went away - starting with my explainer on what it is, exactly.
Seeing as #Spectrum10k is suddenly resurrecting itself, thought this would be worth sharing again.
#boycottspectrum10k #Spectrum10K
David Gray-Hammond has written a post with three reasons to be wary of the resurrected Spectrum 10K project brought to us by Simon Baron-Cohen and friends
No lessons have been learned 😔
#Spectrum10K #eugenics #actuallyautistic
Non-speaking autistic son on his letterboard earlier, “I am in love with life and see the positive in everything”
He has many challenges but focuses on what he can do rather that what he can’t.
Not sure how his joy fits in with categorising autistic people into those who are worthy and those who aren’t #Spectrum10K
#AAC #send #LISTENtoNonspeakers #autism #Spectrum10K
It remains stunning that anyone thinks you need a dedicated data resource to study a highly marginalized group, justifying it with co-occurring conditions - instead of building on already existing wider resources like the 100k genome project #Spectrum10k #BoycottSpectrum10k
#Spectrum10K #BoycottSpectrum10k
@DifferentlySimilar I think this is the best comment I have seen about #Spectrum10K!
NEW: #Spectrum10K plans to investigate “which tissues, gene-sets, cell types and developmental periods are enriched” for a “genetic risk” of autism, an unredacted grant application by the research team has revealed.
Neurotypical researchers: “if only we knew what autistic people wanted. Impossible to tell”
Autistic folks: “actually, what we really want is for people to listen to us, accept us for who we are & help make our lives easier”
Researchers: “a CURE, you say?”
Well well. Thanks to Liam, and to Panda.
So, #Spectrum10k, remind us again how you're not involved in eugenics?