quality of products of #Wotc after release of #SKT was not very good. sometimes i think that it is very bad.
for example best thing with release of #Spelljammer - possibility to fan creators to publish material about SJ and make money.
SJ 5e is crap.
#dnd #5e
#5e #DnD #Spelljammer #skt #wotc
Merry Christmas 🎄 #Spelljammer #DnD #happyholidays
#happyholidays #DnD #Spelljammer
#spelljammer 5e Info - https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Spelljammer_(5e_Campaign_Setting)
Spelljammer Companion 5e - https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LBaY4l6HcR4M-sItfl_#p4
The Updated Spacefarer’s Guide
WebGM: Spelljammer in 5e - https://youtu.be/fVOuZZPAIGM
Spelljammer http://www.users.qwest.net/~malacoda/TarkasBrainLabIV.html
@BaronCelric if you about lox then look at this quote from gm who already finished it;
"Finished Xarysis tonight :
You need to find A to get B to do C.
A does not have B but D may have E.
D does not have E but F might have G.
F does not have G but H might.
Rinse and repeat all the way to X.
Contrived Betrayal.
Contrived Betrayal.
Contrived Betrayal.
Universe blows up
Place on eBay"
find allies only to lose in fleet battle anyway
and authors forgot about #ien
also my
worldanvil campaign with some info https://www.worldanvil.com/w/spelljammer-palant - about tears of selune in first
and some converted to my framework spelljammer ships -for example
if you want i can try to send to you all my drafts tomorrow
@BaronCelric also kasoon.com has a module The War for Wildspace https://www.kassoon.com/dnd/adventure/no-prep-module-the-war-for-wildspace/
link to missions from pirates http://www.spelljammer.org/misc/por/missions.html
@BaronCelric for ship combat i recommend take those rules as base - https://olddungeonmaster.com/2015/05/24/5e-skyships/
also encounters in bral is enough good.
also use random adventure generator and generator missions from pirates from realmspace.
sadly after /ru began to destroy energy infrastructure of /ua i stopped to run campaign - it's hard to run withot electricity online
#realmspace #bral #Spelljammer
in #skt characters get rod of vonindod - made from adamantine. weight is 1000 lb. cost proposed is 5000 gp. real cost - 15000 gp.
and in 3rd part of spelljammer adventure characters must fly 3000000 miles to H'Catha to get adamantine meteorite which weight is 500 lb
so real cost of it - 5000 lb. but for authors of spelljammer academy is ok to sent 4 students and 1 warrant officer in spelljamming ship to planet with beholders - for 5000 gp/
The Spelljammer boxed set. I was curios so I looked. It's risen in rank.
It's 4.5 out of 5 stars, over 2000 reviews.
929 out of all books on Amazon US.
It's at $49.
It's currently doing better than Dragonlance.
Some times the internet doesn't reflect the wider world. #dnd #spelljammer
This thing is gorgeous! What do you call it when your doing some thing cool but the new cool thing calls you? Ohh shiny?#dnd #dragonlance #spelljammer
#Spelljammer #dragonlance #DnD
Spelljammer - Boo’s Astral Menagerie Review 🔴#4k LIVE #dnd #spelljammer https://youtu.be/D9wsSqA-Q0k
Das Finale von #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea ist auf YouTube:
@Juliana_Fabula@twitter.com @Liberiarium@twitter.com @pete_lectro@twitter.com @PewyTwitch@twitter.com @DiceRaccoon@twitter.com #pnpde #dnd #spelljammer
#Spelljammer #DnD #pnpde #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea
Mi è stato chiesto di pensare a una sessione per D&D 5ed. Credo sia un anno buono che non lo mastero.
Credo che opterò per #Spelljammer.
Sto comunque soffrendo.
#gdr #giocodiruolo
#Spelljammer #gdr #giocodiruolo
Ahoi ihr Landratten! Heute stechen die Zodiacs noch einmal in die Astral Sea, um ihr verlorenes Crewmitglied zu befreien ... und nur ein gewaltiger, mehrköpfiger Drache steht ihnen im Weg!
Ab 18 Uhr auf http://twitch.tv/franigorolls!
#pnpde #dnd #ttrpg #spelljammer @pete_lectro@twitter.com
#Spelljammer #ttrpg #DnD #pnpde
RT @FranigoRolls@twitter.com
Gerade noch rechtzeitig: Das VOD der letzten Sitzung #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea ist auf YouTube!
Mit @Liberiarium@twitter.com @Juliana_Fabula@twitter.com @PewyTwitch@twitter.com @DiceRaccoon@twitter.com & @MeisterdiebTV@twitter.com! #pnpde #dndde #spelljammer
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FranigoRolls/status/1581985590613987329
#Spelljammer #dndde #pnpde #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea
Gerade noch rechtzeitig: Das VOD der letzten Sitzung #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea ist auf YouTube!
Mit @Liberiarium@twitter.com @Juliana_Fabula@twitter.com @PewyTwitch@twitter.com @DiceRaccoon@twitter.com & @MeisterdiebTV@twitter.com! #pnpde #dndde #spelljammer
#Spelljammer #dndde #pnpde #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea
Heute ab 18 Uhr stechen wir wieder in die Astral Sea! Der schurkische Kult hat Tynnys Herz geraubt! Aber zum Glück sind die Zodiacs ihnen auf den Fersen!
@Liberiarium@twitter.com @Juliana_Fabula@twitter.com @PewyTwitch@twitter.com @RaccoonSawyer@twitter.com @MeisterdiebTV@twitter.com
Ahoi! Und yo! Und Arrrrr! Willkommen Bord! Nicht vergessen: Heute ist #TalkLikeAPirateDay! Passend dazu stechen wir in die Astral Sea. Heute mit dem bärtigen Seebären @MeisterdiebTV@twitter.com als Gast, der uns sicher mit allerlei Seeleutsgarn unterhalten wird!
#Spelljammer #dnd5e #pnpde #TalkLikeAPirateDay
Die neue Episode #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea ist online, featuring ganz klitzekleine Pakte mit teuflischen Wesen - was man so macht, wenn das Schiff leckschlägt!
Mit @Liberiarium@twitter.com @Juliana_Fabula@twitter.com @pete_lectro@twitter.com @PewyTwitch@twitter.com @RaccoonSawyer@twitter.com #pnpde #spelljammer
#Spelljammer #pnpde #CorsairsOfTheAstralSea