The Influence of Payment Method: Do Consumers Pay More with Mobile Payment?

"Compared to , mobile payments significantly increased the amount purchased and the average amount spent on each item. This effect was found to be particularly large for high price elasticity goods"

#BoundedRationality #ExperimentalEcon #Spending #consumers #payment #cash

Last updated 2 years ago

Already with credit cards, you spend more than when with : ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ May Push Cash-Strapped Holiday Shoppers Too Far

"Lower-income consumers, those who may not use or have access to a credit card, not only spend more on retail but their total increases, which makes them more likely to incur overdraft fees and drain their savings accounts"

#BoundedRationality #creditcard #bnpl #consumer #Spending #cash #paying

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikuláš Peksa · @mikulas_peksa
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