Just had another #Usenet flashback ... anyone remember #alt.callahans ?
Social network as RPG meets fanfiction, based on the #Callahan'sSaloon stories by #SpiderRobinson ... stories based on empathy, twisting well-known #sciencefiction themes, #folkmusic, long form #puns, shaggy dog stories, toasts, a modest amount of drinking, and glasses smashed in the fireplace.
Alas, just as it was picking up steam I was trying to get my dissertation going, so I just enjoyed knowing it was there.
#usenet #alt #callahan #SpiderRobinson #sciencefiction #folkmusic #puns
@jakeblount Hi Jake! Searched for you after seeing someone had started a music genre group...
Thanks for the #bookstadon link.
Like your #sff list , but I've been out of the habit...
#AnthonyDoerr (#CloudCuckooLand)
#UrsulaKLeGuin #UrsulaLeGuin
(I hear caps in hashtags help folk with screen readers, but my shifting fingers get tired.)
#bookstadon #sff #AnthonyDoerr #cloudcuckooland #RogerZelazny #terrypratchett #SpiderRobinson #cliffordsimak #isaacasimov #corydoctorow #ursulakleguin #ursulaleguin
@EJBrand #DianeDuane
#PatrickOBrian #GeorgeMacDonaldFraser
#umbertoeco #JohnDMacDonald #IainBanks #DonaldWestlake #terrypratchett #GeorgeMacDonaldFraser #PatrickOBrian #SpiderRobinson #DianeDuane
What are 5-7 of your favorite authors? add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. some of mine:
#SpiderRobinson #neilgaiman #sarahgailey #sarahvowell #corydoctorow #alanmoore #clivebarker #bookstodon