“En aquesta #Catalunya descristianitzada els referents culturals dels EUA són la #SagradaFamília i #Montserrat. Dues institucions privades, sorgides de la societat civil i de l’experiència espiritual dels #catalans”.
@jllisterri a @catreligio #Obama #Spielberg
RT @catreligio: OPINIÓ | Tres coses que ens ha ensenyat Obama a Montserrat https://www.catalunyareligio.cat/ca/blog/laeto-animo/tres-coses-ens-ensenyat-obama-montserrat-305184?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter https://t.co/QUHAJ9y2aK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ramontremosa/status/1652754066911404032
#Catalunya #SagradaFamília #Montserrat #catalans #Obama #Spielberg
Just watched the last 90 minutes or so of “Bridge of Spies.”
Man. Steven Spielberg is good at what he does. The shot of Donovan on the bridge after the exchange, through the bridge stanchions… I’m no painter but I could imagine the painting of that shot. Feel like I’ve seen such a picture though I have not.
A man, a truck and an open road… Watched Steven Spielberg’s extraordinary existential road movie, Duel (1971). It’s quite the debut. #Spielberg #Duel #film
Home cinema night is saved for today. Tonight you can see "The Fabelmans" by Steven Spielberg. Let's see how he will do at the Oscars. #thefablemans #4k #4kultrahd #bluray #spielberg #cinema
#thefablemans #4K #4kultrahd #bluray #Spielberg #cinema
4/ Now along comes Steven #Spielberg announcing he's making an #HBO #miniseries based on #StanleyKubrik's unmade scripts. Like busses, nothing for ages then they all come at once! An embarrassment of riches!
#Spielberg #hbo #miniseries #stanleykubrik
There's a lot of smoke blowing on this poster, because #TheFabelmans is far from a masterpiece and far from being close to Spielberg's best film.
In saying all of that, it's an enjoyable, overly long low-key yarn that's well made without being in any way exceptional.
#Movie #Movies #Film #Films #Critic #Review #Cinema #FilmMastodon #MovieMastodon #StephenSpielberg #Spielberg
#Spielberg #stephenspielberg #moviemastodon #FilmMastodon #cinema #review #critic #films #film #movies #movie #TheFabelmans
@GreenFire @carowe @SrRochardBunson Wait - wut. #Spielberg filming the #UltraPodcast story would be huge. Never even occurred to me but that would be a great story. Ultra is so insane it seems like parody or fiction but it actually happened in living memory. 🍿🍿🍿
The latest Steven Spielberg movie, The Fabelmans, speaks of a love for film and film making, and is a joy to watch.
#TheFabelmans #StevenSpielberg #Spielberg #Film #FilmReview #Movie #MovieReview #GabrielLaBelle
#thefabelmans #StevenSpielberg #Spielberg #film #filmreview #movie #moviereview #gabriellabelle
Just watched “The Fablemans.” We liked it, but in an era when authenticity is prized and representation is seen as all-important, why is it okay always to cast non-Jews as lead Jewish characters? In Jewish stories? Casting actors in Jewface. It’s standard practice, and it sucks.
#TheFablemans #Spielberg #hollywood #casting #representation #Jewfacing #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewdiverse #BlackMastodon #JTwitter
#JTwitter #BlackMastodon #jewdiverse #jewniverse #mazeldon #Jewfacing #representation #casting #hollywood #Spielberg #thefablemans
"Jean-François Rauger : "Joe Dante n’est pas un cinéaste de série B mais un cinéaste qui a recyclé la série B dans son cinéma"" sur https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/paso-doble-le-grand-entretien-de-lactualite-culturelle/jean-francois-rauger-joe-dante-nest via @radiofrance
Un grand #realisateur sous estimé dans l'ombre du grand #Spielberg. Pourtant ses films ( #gremlins #Florida) sont une œuvre qui projette un imaginaire très riche.
Un film a redécouvrir : Panic sur Florida Beach (Matinee, titre original).
#realisateur #Spielberg #gremlins #florida
Odd #filmdiscourse trend I've noticed recently: people saying that #Jaws is a good-but-not-great movie.
Yesterday, I watched a video by a filmbro who said he loves Jaws, but wouldn't vote for it on the #SightandSound list (if he had a ballot.)
Which is bananas. As a piece of auteur filmmaking, Jaws is a knockout—just packed with clever ideas and innovation. It's easily as good as any Kubrick film.
I think people are just a bit biased against #Spielberg because he's not dead yet.
#filmdiscourse #jaws #sightandsound #Spielberg
Se vi piacciono il sogno, le storie, la memoria, la dolcezza, l’adolescenza, la leggerezza “The Fabelmans” è il vostro film. Vorresti non finisse mai. Comunque andate al cinema e, salvo Spielberg, scegliete il cinema italiano.
#TheFabelmans #Spielberg #Cinema #Cinemaitaliano
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeltroniWalter/status/1606562900067467266
#TheFabelmans #Spielberg #cinema #cinemaitaliano
The Fabelmans is too saccharine nostalgic, with some acting being surprisingly hammy in places. An amiable if forgettable jaunt through Spielberg's youth, discovering movies, making movies, all while his parents' marriage falls apart rather too nicely. You wouldn't know he had 2 sisters from the little they have to do, which seems odd. Still, everyone's fine, the movie is fine, the photography is a bit more than fine, but it's all a bit less than the sum of its parts.
Happy birthday to beloved film director Steven Spielberg, who has played a hand in creating movies such as Jaws, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, The Color Purple, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, Saving Private Ryan, and many more.
If you enjoyed the chat with #IngridOliver about #TheGoonies…
…there's lots more classic Spielberg-y Comfort to be had on the pod...
Try #RufusJones on #RaidersOfTheLostArk
And #TomNeenan on #JurassicPark
#movies #Spielberg #jurassicpark #tomneenan #raidersofthelostark #rufusjones #TheGoonies #ingridoliver
RT @jamieswb@twitter.com
Production designer Joe Alves talking about adding two last-minute shots to the Jaws edit by improvising at home, with a camera, a hose and some wood from his garage. #jaws #spielberg #notyouraveragejoe
Support the Kickstarter and get some great perks! http://kck.st/3TLPDyI
#notyouraveragejoe #Spielberg #jaws
NEW SERIES! NEW EPISODE of @comfortblanket
Hey you guys! #IngridOliver celebrates the comforts of the ultimate lavish 80s kids’ fantasy adventure The #Goonies… and comes back with some far-fetched story about a highly unlikely octopus fight.
#ComfortBlanket #Movies #Spielberg #Donner #MissingGiantOctopus #HeyYouGuys
#heyyouguys #missinggiantoctopus #donner #Spielberg #movies #comfortblanket #goonies #ingridoliver
One of the more poignant scenes in #Spielberg A.I. is the would be boy realization that he was just one among many other such machines. The human population just topped #8BILLION. The source of so much of our ills stares us down, and we refuse to see it because it poses difficult, uncomfortable questions. In the interim, we distract ourselves with performative rituals and the Sisyphean labor of band aiding the wounds.
Is this a safe space to share that I was completely and utterly disappointed in The #FABELMANS last night? So much so that I left around the 90-minute mark.
#yikes #spielberg #cinema #movies #filmmastodon #disappointed
#disappointed #FilmMastodon #movies #cinema #Spielberg #yikes #fabelmans
45 minutes until #FABELMANS at the #americancinematheque. Should have brought my #Spielberg Trivia Game.
#aerotheatre #FilmMastodon #cinema #Spielberg #americancinematheque #fabelmans