The armor of armored #fish started out as part of the #nervoussystem
It turns out that in early branches of the fish family tree, like the sturgeon, the neural crest forms the bony armor that covers them, suggesting an ancient role in #bone formation that goes back to the armored fish of the #Devonian. Cells from the developing #spinalcord make the #sturgeon's bony, armored plates.
#fish #nervoussystem #bone #devonian #SpinalCord #sturgeon
Walking naturally after spinal cord injury using a brain–spine interface
A spinal cord injury interrupts the communication between the brain and the region of the spinal cord that produces walking, leading to paralysis. Here, we restored this communication with a digital bridge between the brain and spinal cord that enabled an individual with chronic tetraplegia to stand and walk naturally in community settings.
#Neuroscience #Neurology #Brain #SpinalCord #SpinalCordInjury #Paralysis #BrainSpineInterface #DigitalBridge #Neurotechnology #Neurotech
#neurotech #Neurotechnology #DigitalBridge #BrainSpineInterface #paralysis #spinalcordinjury #SpinalCord #brain #neurology #neuroscience
Wireless Brain-Spine Interface: A Leap Towards Reversing Paralysis
Researchers have designed a wireless brain-spine interface enabling a paralyzed man to walk naturally again. The ‘digital bridge’ comprises two electronic implants — one on the brain and another on the spinal cord — that decode brain signals and stimulate the spinal cord to activate leg muscles.
Remarkably, the patient experienced significant recovery in sensory perceptions and motor skills.
#Neuroscience #Neurology #Brain #SpinalCord #SpinalCordInjury #Paralysis #BrainSpineInterface #DigitalBridge #Neurotechnology #Neurotech
#neurotech #Neurotechnology #DigitalBridge #BrainSpineInterface #paralysis #spinalcordinjury #SpinalCord #brain #neurology #neuroscience
Cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neuron tracing reveals structural and functional connectivity for locomotion in the mouse #SpinalCord. #neuroscience
#NervousSystem regeneration: @N_Blab &co show that RSK2-controlled phosphorylation of RPS6 on Ser233/236 is critical for PNS & CNS #regeneration and functional recovery, via modulation of #SpinalCord plasticity & target innervation #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #SpinalCord #regeneration #nervoussystem
#NervousSystem regeneration: @N_Blab &co show that RSK2-controlled phosphorylation of RPS6 on Ser233/236 is critical for PNS & CNS #regeneration and functional recovery, via modulation of #SpinalCord plasticity & target innervation #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #SpinalCord #regeneration #nervoussystem
#NervousSystem regeneration: @N_Blab &co show that RSK2-controlled phosphorylation of RPS6 on Ser233/236 is critical for PNS & CNS #regeneration and functional recovery, via modulation of #SpinalCord plasticity & target innervation #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #SpinalCord #regeneration #nervoussystem
Sleep is regulated by multiple brain regions, but @dissel_lab &co reveal ##sleep-promoting #neurons in the fly VNC (equivalent to #SpinalCord), highlighting need for v specific tools when attempting to link a #behavior to (groups of) neurons #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #behavior #SpinalCord #neurons #sleep
Sleep is regulated by multiple brain regions, but @dissel_lab &co reveal ##sleep-promoting #neurons in the fly VNC (equivalent to #SpinalCord), highlighting need for v specific tools when attempting to link a #behavior to (groups of) neurons #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #behavior #SpinalCord #neurons #sleep
Sleep is regulated by multiple brain regions, but @dissel_lab &co reveal ##sleep-promoting #neurons in the fly VNC (equivalent to #SpinalCord), highlighting need for v specific tools when attempting to link a #behavior to (groups of) neurons #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #behavior #SpinalCord #neurons #sleep
Features That May Make Motor Neurons Vulnerable to ALS
Motor neurons are distinguished by a set of genes that may enable the large size of the motor neuron cell body and lengthy axon, but also underlie their vulnerability to degeneration. Their molecular profile was defined by genes involved in cytoskeletal structure, which gives the cell shape and organizes the structures within; neurofilament genes related to cell size; and genes linked to the onset of ALS.
#Neuroscience #SpinalCord #Neuron #Motorneuron #MotorneuronDisease #ALS #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #Transcriptomics
#Transcriptomics #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #ALS #motorneurondisease #Motorneuron #neuron #SpinalCord #neuroscience
A cellular taxonomy of the adult human spinal cord
Single-nucleus RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics of adult human spinal cord
#Neuroscience #SpinalCord #Neuron #Motoneuron #MotoneuronDisease #ALS #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #Transcriptomics
#Transcriptomics #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #ALS #MotoneuronDisease #Motoneuron #neuron #SpinalCord #neuroscience
Spinal Cord Abnormalities Correlate With Disease Severity in FA
Results show utility of MRI as biomarker in tracking disease progression
Damage to the spinal dorsal column seems developmental whereas damage of the corticospinal tract may be both developmental and degenerative in origin.
#Neuroscience #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #Neurodevelopment #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #Ataxia #FriedreichAtaxia #SpinalCord #Neurogenetics #NeurogeneticDiseases #GeneticDiseases #RareDiseases
#MagneticResonanceImaging #MRI #Biomarker #BrainImaging
#BrainImaging #Biomarker #mri #MagneticResonanceImaging #RareDiseases #GeneticDiseases #NeurogeneticDiseases #neurogenetics #SpinalCord #FriedreichAtaxia #ataxia #neurodevelopmentaldisorders #neurodevelopment #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #neuroscience
#DorsalRootGanglionitis #DRG is a #DorsalGanglia disease. They’re nodules found just outside #SpinalCord containing cell bodies of sensory neurons. They rely on sensory signals to the brain & play a key role in pain perception. Problems with the DRG could produce many of the sensory & #pain problems in #MECFS and #fibromyalgia. #pwME
#dorsalrootganglionitis #DRG #dorsalganglia #SpinalCord #pain #mecfs #fibromyalgia #pwme
Spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy detect early-stage alterations and disease progression in Friedreich ataxia
#Neuroscience #Neurology #NeurologicalDiseases #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #Neurodegeneration #FriedreichAtaxia #Ataxia #SpinalCord #RareDiseases #GeneticDiseases
#GeneticDiseases #RareDiseases #SpinalCord #ataxia #FriedreichAtaxia #Neurodegeneration #NeurodegenerativeDiseases #NeurologicalDiseases #neurology #neuroscience
Adenosine can also be used to help fight off certain types of bacteria by inhibiting the protective responses of the body's immune system. In addition, adenosine can be used to help with pain relief by targeting pain-sensitive neurons in the #SpinalCord. Finally, adenosine can be used to help with erectile dysfunction and cancer immunotherapy by blocking certain receptors in the body.
Today was a good day. A brand new exciting experiment went much better than anticipated. Now I realize I need to buy some speakers for this computer. I swear I could hear the crackling of neurons in my head. #electrophysiology #SpinalCord #BeginnersLuck
#beginnersluck #SpinalCord #electrophysiology
Two papers by scientists at show that the #SpinalCord and the #brainstem, previously thought to be mere relay centers for touch information, are actively involved in processing touch signals as they travel to higher-order brain regions. 🖐️ 🧠
A project to develop a brain-computer device to stimulate upper and lower limb movement in people with spinal cord injuries is receiving a €3.7 million award. #Science #Business #SpinalCord #BrainComputerInterface #Implant #MedicalDevice #Algorithms
#science #business #SpinalCord #braincomputerinterface #implant #MedicalDevice #algorithms
The emerging power and promise of non-coding #RNAs in #chronicpain
#neuropathicpain #ncRNA #DRG #spinalcord
#rnas #chronicpain #neuropathicpain #ncrna #DRG #SpinalCord