Lo and behold, the August #MetalMatters has been released a few days ago just in time for #BandcampFriday! 🤘
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfAugust #PopMatters #AntiGodHand #BlitAusNord #Creak #Crypta #Darsombra #DeadAndDripping #DrippingDecay #Godthrymm #Hallucinate #Knife #Nixil #Nott #Orphalis #PavorNocturnus #SpiritAdrift #Urfaust #Werewolves
#werewolves #Urfaust #SpiritAdrift #pavornocturnus #orphalis #nott #nixil #knife #Hallucinate #godthrymm #drippingdecay #deadanddripping #darsombra #Crypta #creak #blitausnord #antigodhand #popmatters #bestofaugust #monthlybestof #metal #BandcampFriday #MetalMatters
It's not only @HailsandAles who recommends the new #SpiritAdrift album.
I am halfway through my first listen and I like it.
Spirit Adrift – Ghost At The Gallows
#heavymetal #metal #music #nowplaying #SpiritAdrift
@HailsandAles Giving #SpiritAdrift a spin now.
I know you don't like intros, but I can already tell that the first minute and 30 seconds are essential for this record 😂
Also: they sound Swedish for some reason 🤔
Meddl-Meddl-Meddl! #SpiritAdrift veröffentlicht am 18.08.2023 „Ghost At The Gallows“.
dienstagmorgenmusik: spirit adrift – mass formation psychosis
#morgenmusik #spiritadrift