What do light and order have in common?
If you said nothing, you might be surprised to know that in Hebrew the word for “light” as when God said: “Let there be light,” is the Hebrew word “ôr”, which actually means “order”!
Light is symbolic for understanding, or the ability to see spiritual things (God’s Law equals order). If you are in the dark, you cannot see; it takes light in order for your sight to be restored, or for you to understand something you didn’t before. The teachings of Jesus (unveiling of the Law), which reflect His nature and character, have become a light to us (ref John 8:12, John 1:1, Luke 11:34).
God’s Law is far more than just a bunch of rules; they are His character and nature.
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#Light #Order #Law #SpiritualUnderstanding #Character #Restored
#Restored #character #SpiritualUnderstanding #law #order #light