@TheVoiceGuy @ToniBarth I don't know why doesn't it shock you??
Oh wait this isn't the punchline to a joke haha
Carry on.
Latest #SpitfireAudio plugin is a collaboration with Trevor Horn and it doesn't mention NKS on the page. Their products are notoriously difficult to use without it, so that's a no-go for me. Shame, because it sounds absolutely fantastic. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/jupiter-by-trevor-horn
Emails I delete without reading:
#SpitfireAudio and #Heavyocity.
Reasons: Because after years and years of asking, their emails are *still* not accessible for #ScreenReader users.
Pisses me off beyond words.
#A11y #Fail
#SpitfireAudio #heavyocity #screenreader #a11y #fail
Yup, yup - Benn's another good person who won't keep quiet just cos someone bungs him money.
I got a #Push3 and it comes bundled with loads of #SpitfireAudio libraries. I didn't download or install any, of course, cos I don't want my music to smell of watery poohs.
I'm still fucked-off that Ableton are doing LOADS of free promo for the TERFy #SpitfireAudio and only a few people are speaking out about them, one of them being RedMeansRecording.
If I can channel even a few pennies away from that hatemonger, it's worth it.
Hey, well done again on not letting #SpitfireAudio's #transphobia slide.
I wish other synth YTers were similarly principled, the silence is maddening.
As much as it pains me personally (which isn't a lot compared to what trans people have to deal with!), I must delete all #SpitfireAudio products because I don't fucking support TERFs and transphobes their ilk and their fucking companies. Fuck this shit. Spitfire utterly failed to make any of this right. Ugh. Gross.
A little thing I made using only sounds from #SpitfireAudio #Labs, as I of course wanted to try out the new Vintage Keys library.
Chilling in the Lab #LabsCommunity https://youtu.be/6b9whHVNkkE
#SpitfireAudio #labs #labscommunity
So...what about #SpitfireAudio?
Is Henson really gone?
Doesn't he still profit from the company as a co-founder?
#SpitfireAudio #labs #pianobook
The company #SpitfireAudio are a huge and previously well-respected sample library company, used by many, many musicians, pro and otherwise.
More #SpitfireAudio rampant, remorseless transphobia.
Remember to not only boycott everything they make but also delete their products from your comps before they rot through the chassis like xenomorph blood.
#christianhenson #SpitfireAudio
I'm gonna keep posting this every week till every musician and producer is aware that #SpitfireAudio is founded, owned and run by a #transphobe who is as smug in his hatred as he is duplicitous in his "severing ties" with the company.
Please watch #RedMeansRecording break it down: https://youtu.be/4JxJUITSb8A
And, again, fuck #ChristianHenson fuck that Hogwarts game and fuck anyone who supports transphobia.
#christianhenson #redmeansrecording #transphobe #SpitfireAudio
It's good to see #BennJordan and #RedMeansRecording calling out #SpitfireAudio for Henson's transphobia. But I'm still seeing too many YTers promoting their products.
Fuck Christian Henson, fuck Spitfire Audio, fuck that shitty Hogwarts game and fuck you if you support transphobia in any way.
#SpitfireAudio #redmeansrecording #BennJordan
#SpitfireAudio's #AutographGrand from #Labs should not sound this amazing for free. I've literally spent the last half an hour playing this one sound. got some mistakes in it etc, but I wasn't trying to make this a perfect idea.
#SpitfireAudio #autographgrand #labs
A while back Christian Henson shared his transphobic views with the world, and then "took a break" from #SpitfireAudio. I predicted that he would lay low a while, then come back and whine about cancel culture. My prediction is close to coming true: now he's is a Jordan Peterson fan:
@terjefjelde I recommend the Epic Choir by #SpitfireAudio, very affordable, playable and convincing sounding.
Black Friday doesn't end this year. All the major #vst #samples producers still promote sales intensively. #daw #virtualorchestra And #SpitfireAudio starts a new one tomorrow. Incredible.
#vst #samples #daw #virtualorchestra #SpitfireAudio
So, ich hab's wirklich getan und damit die Büchse der Pandora geöffnet. Meine erste Soundbibliothek von #OrchestralTools #Salu lädt gerade. Das könnte neben #SpitfireAudio mein zweites Lieblingslabel sein, das mir das Geld aus der Tasche zieht.
#orchestraltools #salu #SpitfireAudio
Hm. The new Salu Library by #orchestraltools isn't nearly as spectacular as the #spitfireaudio symphonic library update for performance flute and trumpet. At least for me. #daw #samples #virtualinstruments #composition
#orchestraltools #SpitfireAudio #daw #samples #virtualinstruments #composition