🏉 Some hard-hitting truths by @RPMComo on how rugby is facing an existential crisis due to the “same old” #sportsgov legacy structure not having a forward-looking vision - and #sportsbiz investors not doing their homework. Make no mistake - applies to other Tier 2 sports, too.
RT @EntertainedAre
It's GOG, with the usual mix of petty schoolboy snig…
🇪🇸 Exhibit 1 on why Spanish #sportsbiz loses millions of €€€s annually due to the treatment of the visiting fans (domestic/Euro) that discourages away fans from travelling. The #emptyseats issue that should be solved at #sportsgov level. @jjreade @schreyerforscht @Tebasjavier
RT @jordi_cifre
16:15 i encara no ens deixen sortir de l’estadi (ni anar al lavabo!). Una vergonya el tracte rebut, @RCDEspanyol. Som aficionats, no criminals…
#SportsGov #sportsbiz #emptyseats
❓Is it even an “overhaul”? Part of me is glad with this long-overdue #sportsgov effort to *preserve* the beautiful game as we know it. But I’m also torn at *conserving* a century-old business model that doesn’t fit modern standards. It may mark the start of a decline. #sportsbiz
The most radical overhaul of English football in its history to protect clubs and their fans
⚽️ New independent regulator and licensing system for elite…
Always one step behind. European football would have been in a better shape for all stakeholders (incl. institutional, #sportsbiz investors) involved had a #sportsgov body proactively considered all possible scenarios - but they are a commercial actor as well… (by @SamuelAgini)
Uefa sounds alarm over risks of multi-club ownership model https://on.ft.com/3IaORst
🇫🇷 Quite a lot to learn about governance and communications in sports from this case study. A swift leadership change is effectively underway in French football due to a remarkable and completely unnecessary #sportsgov crisis.
RT @leparisiensport
DIRECT. Affaire Le Graët : Les décisions du comité exécutif de la FFF à suivre
➡️ https://l.leparisien.fr/sa7h
🏌️♂️ Dobrze zbalansowana rozmowa #DziałZagraniczny z @JacekPerson o rewolucji w golfie i jej natychmiastowego wpływu na #sportsgov (pt. "ha, czyli jednak da się!").
💰 Jeszcze final tych 30 milionów będzie taki, że zawieszą kadrę w rozgrywkach międzynarodowych. W ramach autonomii sportu rząd nie może ingerować w to, jak sportem zarządza dana federacja - a tutaj pierwotnie chciano dzielić bonus z pominięciem związku. Podstawy #sportsgov.
RT @SzJadczak
Ten artykuł @wlodar85 miażdży Michniewicza, Morawieckiego i rzecznika rządu Mullera. Premier przy obiadku rozdaje publiczne pieniądze. Trener przed …
This #WorldCup amplifies #sportsgov issues that men’s game has been otherwise swiping under the carpet. We know what #leadership role captains in women’s football, a safe space for LGBTQ+ expression, would take here.
“England, Wales & other European nations will not wear OneLove armbands” https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/63699477
#leadership #worldcup #SportsGov
Good analysis on the Gulf states’s motivation to host major sporting events: “to bolster their global clout, out of a desire to diversify their economies, attract tourism, further their foreign policy goals and stoke nationalism at home…” #sportsgov
Notably, no sponsors’ logos in sight at *that* press conference earlier today. Imagine listening to it as a #worldcup corporate partner and having your brand associated with these statements… 🤯 #sportsbiz #sportsgov
#sportsbiz #SportsGov #worldcup
🎾 A ‘hostile takeover’ to deal with a challenger sport? A strategic path I have recently discussed with my #sportsgov students is now becoming a real scenario. Tennis -vs- Pádel