Again, no #ElevatorFashionPic. But good morning from the countryside. #StayAtHome #WashYourHands #SpreadHopeNotFear
#elevatorfashionpic #stayathome #WashYourHands #SpreadHopeNotFear
🏡 #StayAtHome
🧼 #WashYourHands
😷 #WearAMask
📏 #KeepYourDistance
🍲 #EatHealthy
🚰 #StayHydrated
🧘🏽 #Meditate
☎️ #TalkToFriendsAndFamily
We will win the fight against the 👑 Corona 🦠 Virus. We are one world. One people. #SpreadHopeNotFear
#stayathome #WashYourHands #WearAMask #KeepYourDistance #EatHealthy #StayHydrated #meditate #TalkToFriendsAndFamily #SpreadHopeNotFear
Update vom Lande. In den kleineren Supermärkten ist alles da. Auf dem Boden sind die Abstände markiert. Alle halten sich dran. Keine Spur von Panik. Alle hier (OWL) verstehen was los ist, scheint mir. Tut gut. #SpreadHopeNotFear
Be nice to the hard working people in your supermarket. Compliment them. Don’t ever blame them for not having that one special thing you think you need. They work hard. At the frontline. To keep us all fed and alive. Thank them. #SpreadHopeNotFear #covid19
Be nice to the hard working people in your supermarket. Compliment them. Don’t ever blame them for not having that one special thing you think you need. They work hard. At the frontline. To keep us all fed and alive. Thank them. #SpreadHopeNotFear #covid19
We’re not in isolation, we’re cocooning. In a few weeks we will all come out as beautiful and healthy butterflies :) #SpreadHopeNotFear #Covid19
When we all stop posting pictures of empty shelves, the shelves will magically fill up again. Because the supply chains *are* working. We need to flatten the buying curve. That’s all. #SpreadHopeNotFear
When we all stop talking about people buying #ToiletPaper, people will stop panic buying toilet paper. It’s that simple. #SpreadHopeNotFear
#toiletpaper #SpreadHopeNotFear