I just wrote a short blog post about how to configure #SpringDataElasticsearch to access a secured instance of #Elasticsearch 8 using the provided certificate fingerprint and password.
#SpringData #spring #java #elasticsearch #SpringDataElasticsearch
Interesting in expanding your #neo4j skills? Go and register for the upcoming workshops: https://neo4j.com/events/list/?tribe-bar-search=training+series&tribe_eventcategory%5B0%5D=25964
by the amazing @mesirii @meistermeier and others #springdata #geospatial #cypher #workshop #training
#neo4j #SpringData #geospatial #cypher #workshop #training
Today was #SpringData release day.
For #SpringDataElasticsearch that means that there were patch releases
4.4.8 (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch/releases/tag/4.4.8)
5.0.2 (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch/releases/tag/5.0.2)
And a new #milestone release 5.1.0-M2 and 5.1.0-M1 (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch/releases/tag/5.1.0-M1), M2 being necessary due to a release hickup.
#milestone #SpringDataElasticsearch #SpringData
#MongoDB folks - should we change the UUID representation default settting in #SpringData?
Your voice matters!
#MongoDB folks - should we change the UUID representation default settting in #SpringData?
Your voice matters!
Got the silver tag badge for #SpringDataElasticsearch on #StackOverflow. And it seems I am the only one to have it.
#SpringData #spring #stackoverflow #SpringDataElasticsearch
Work: currently building a #springboot API with some #springdata integration 🤠🤩
The second release candidate #SpringData 2022.0.0-RC2 has been released. This contains #SpringDataElasticsearch 5.0.0-RC2. Time again to test it and find errors before the GA release planned in Mid-November.
#SpringDataElasticsearch #SpringData
RT @odrotbohm@twitter.com
We've just shipped a round of @SpringData@twitter.com releases that include a fix for a CVE found in #SpringData #REST. The releases will be included in the upcoming #SpringBoot releases, but please update at your earliest convenience: https://spring.io/blog/2022/09/19/spring-data-rest-vulnerability-cve-2022-31679
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/odrotbohm/status/1571895403733307400
☢️ ACHTUNG, ACHTUNG nur für Softwareentwickler und die, die es werden wollen:
In diesem Video erkläre ich Dir die Grundlagen von Spring Data. Anhand eines einfachen Beispiel werden wir mit Spring Data JPA einfache Entitäten (Entities) in die H2 Datenbank speichern (in memory) und werden danach den bestehenden Quellcode in die NoSQL Welt (MongoDB) portieren.
#springboot #java #tutorial #springdata #mongodb #jpa #nosql
#springboot #java #tutorial #SpringData #MongoDB #JPA #NoSQL
RT @SpringData@twitter.com
#SpringData 2021.2.0 and 2022.0.0-M4 released \ö/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SpringData/status/1525102542136479746