Vorgestern schreibe ich, mehr so als Extrapolation der technischen Möglichkeiten, dass uns die #Autohersteller #Spyware einbauen, heute dann wie bestellt: https://www.heise.de/news/Mozilla-Autos-sammeln-Daten-zum-Einwanderungsstatus-und-zur-sexuellen-Aktivitaet-9295153.html
#Autohersteller #Spyware #Datenschutz
Meanwhile the Commission is conspicuously silent about pushbacks, the Pylos shipwreck investigation, the #spyware scandal targeting the ND’s opponents, the unresolved murder of an investigative journalist, and the undermining of independent oversight bodies
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1690968222349111296
The #spyware issue will not go away. No matter how ardently the government leaders wish for it. The Justice Committee of the Irish parliament will investigate the presence of #Intellexa in Ireland. @BarryAndrewsMEP @EP_PegaInquiry
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Barry Andrews MEP: Justice Committee asked to investigate blacklisted spyware company's presence in Ireland (via @thejournal_ie) https://jrnl.ie/6135568
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1688282485258321920
While the US has blacklisted #Intellexa and #Cytrox entities in Greece, Ireland, Hungary and North-Macedonia as risk to national security, Europe is still a comfy home to these vendors of mercenary #spyware. Will @EU_Commission finally take action? My questions 👇 https://t.co/rQ23NXtTZR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1682358169538904064
Maybe useful to specify that the parliamentary inquiry was a joke, the independent investigating authorities are the target of harassment and bullying, and a year and a half into the #spyware scandal no judicial inquiry has yielded results. https://n.respublicae.eu/criticalvas/status/1676472660828536832
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Vas Panagiotopoulos: It states among others: “In Greece the issue of surveillance by means of wiretapping and spyware is subject to investigation in the national Parliament as well as by judicial and independent authorities.”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1676474045032742912
Mein 📑 neues #Monthly ist da - mit diesen Themen:
▶️ Meine Tour an die #Oder
▶️ Meine Reise nach #Afghanistan
▶️ Abschlussbericht des #Pegasus-Untersuchungsausschusses
➡️ Hier lest mehr: http://bit.ly/Monthly_06-2023
#MV #Spionagesoftware #Spyware https://t.co/wC8OIe3VEX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1674742886011682817
#Monthly #Oder #Afghanistan #Pegasus #MV #spionagesoftware #Spyware
My colleague @BarryAndrewsMEP on whether Ireland should be hosting companies that are selling #spyware that is being used for human rights violations https://n.respublicae.eu/barryandrewsmep/status/1674520225755066369
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Barry Andrews MEP: 2/5
Watch video here 👇📺 https://t.co/8pcv0dDvqe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1674641703037280256
Στην #Cyprus ακόμη αναμένουμε απαντήσεις από τις αρμόδιες αρχές του Κράτους.
Ποιοι κατείχαν αυτού του είδους τα λογισμικά και ποιους παρακολουθούσαν.
Από το 2019, αναμένουμε απαντήσεις και δυστυχώς επικρατεί μια ύποπτη σιωπή.
#spyware @androulakisnick @pasok @telloglou @nasoskook
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Demetris Papadakis: Δυστυχώς,αυτού του είδους τα συστήματα δεν χρησιμοποιήθηκαν μόνο για λόγους εθνικής ασφαλείας ή για καταπολέμηση της τρομοκρατίας,αλλά για παρακολούθηση πολιτικών αντιπάλων,όπως στην περίπτωση @androulakisnick καθώς κ δημοσιογράφων που απλά έκαναν καλά τη δουλειά τους
#pegasus https://t.co/qx4rjNN6k4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DemPapadakis/status/1669250199305240577
RT Social Europe
After the Pegasus inquiry: watching Big Brother https://buff.ly/3XupJD5
The European Parliament’s inquiry on #Pegasus is over; the struggle for freedom from illegitimate surveillance is not. @saskiabricmont #spyware @europarl_en @EP_PegaInquiry https://t.co/stNp6CbBmy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/socialeurope/status/1672141005695463426
Great job @HNeumannMEP ! https://n.respublicae.eu/hneumannmep/status/1669272203622334464
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Hannah Neumann 💙: In the #Pegasus Committee, we investigated the abuse of #spyware and developed recommendations on how to stop it.
Member states ignored or obstructed our work - rather than cooperating.
Yet, we wrote a very strong report: Now, @EU_Commission & Member
States @EUCouncil must act! https://t.co/A6…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AlexandraGeese/status/166929187
Het ligt er duimendik bovenop dat Aanklager Dogiakos de regering uit de wind wil houden in zowel het #spyware schandaal als de #Pylos schipbreuk. Daarom moet de @EU_Commission ogenblikkelijk het initiatief nemen tot een onafhankelijk internationaal onderzoek
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Toon Beemsterboer: Nog meer aanwijzingen nodig dat de Griekse regering wat te verbergen heeft inzake de schipbreuk?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1670689036866932737
MEPs will vote at noon on their proposals to respond to #spyware abuse in Europe and avoid its illegal use in the future, based on the findings of the @EP_PegaInquiry Committe. The vote puts an end to the EP inquiry committee’s work over a year.
https://shorturl.at/kmDRY #EPlenary
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Technology/status/1669261700854427648
During the June #EPlenary, the European Parliament called for action against the abuse of Pegasus and other #spyware. MEP @SophieintVeld who guided the report through the EP, explains more about the dangers of spyware.
Watch here: https://shorturl.at/luAOT @EP_PegaInquiry
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Technology/status/1669633539711672320
RT Sophie in 't Veld
Yippee!! 🥳 My @EP_PegaInquiry resolution adopted with robust majority! @europarl_en calls for strict regulation of use of, and trade in #spyware https://t.co/m5tuzGxSNB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/SophieintVeld/status/1669294301493207040
Het werk van de Pegasus Commissie naar misbruik met spionagesoftware zit erop.
Na een jaar vol onderzoek stemde het parlement vandaag in met het eindrapport van onze commissie.
Daarmee komt er ook een einde aan mijn voorzitterschap.
Een terug-en vooruitblik:
#PEGA #spyware #EP https://t.co/jlpTHknqJX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jeroen_lenaers/status/1669324575727812608
Tomorrow, our work of the #Pegasus Inquiry Committee on the Abuse of #Spyware will come to an end with a plenary debate and vote.
Here is an explainer, what it was all about - for those who want to catch up.
RT @HNeumannMEP: ▶️ What is the PEGA Committee?
▶️ What are the problems with the use of #spyware globally & at 🇪🇺 EU level?
▶️ What are our @GreensEFA demands?
More info in my 📺 video:
#Spyware #Pegasus #NSO #Finfisher
@EP_PegaInquiry @citizenlab
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1668649850525589505
#Pegasus #Spyware #NSO #finfisher
This week, we will vote on the final report of the #Pegasus Committee - looking into the abuse of #Spyware in the EU 🇪🇺and all around the world 🌍.
Why this is a crucial vote for your own #privacy and the future of our #democracy?
A quick explainer:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1668265322611089408
#Pegasus #Spyware #privacy #Democracy
RT @HNeumannMEP: This week, we will vote on the final report of the #Pegasus Committee - looking into the abuse of #Spyware in the EU 🇪🇺and all around the world 🌍.
Why this is a crucial vote for your own #privacy and the future of our #democracy?
A quick explainer: https://t.co/JUIW2GKEIV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1668312621643096068
#Pegasus #Spyware #privacy #Democracy
Ahead of next week’s #EPlenary vote on the use of #spyware in the EU, keep up to date with current developments with this briefing by the European Parliament Reserch Servive: https://shorturl.at/hqtC8 @EP_ThinkTank
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Technology/status/1666797839048151041
📨 The Newsletter for next week's June #EPlenary session in Strasbourg is online, featuring:
- #NovaKakhovka dam attack🇺🇦
- #AI Act🤖
- Pegasus #spyware🕵️
- June #euco 🇪🇺
- Battery technology 🔋
- 2024 EU elections 🗳️
- #Poland 🇵🇱
And more, details here: http://eptwitter.eu/qCB3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EuroParlPress/status/1666800386194419712
#EPlenary #NovaKakhovka #AI #Spyware #EUCO #Poland