RT EUvsDisinfo
Russian outlets deny facts about the #Srebrenica genocide to deflect Russia’s responsibility for the crimes committed in #Bucha.
An independent report from Bosnia and Herzegovina exposes Russia’s #disinformation strategy and operations.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1683751871435902977
#Srebrenica #Bucha #disinformation #DontBeDeceived
Diese Woche haben wir im Plenum des Europaparlaments des Massakers in #Srebrenica vor 28 Jahren gedacht. Ich bin auch in meiner Rede zu Bosnien und Herzegowina #BiH darauf eingegangen: https://www.lukasmandl.eu/lukas-mandl-fuer-versoehnung-und-verstaendigung-auch-am-westbalkan/ #MandlsPlenarwoche https://t.co/bhJmWalVQg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/lukasmandl/status/1679166339410280449
#Srebrenica #BiH #MandlsPlenarwoche
🇪🇺 condemns RSNA recent decisions
They run counter to the wish of those who believe in a common European future
🇧🇦 political leaders should
Focus on positive & constructive European agenda
Full remarks @OliverVarhelyi @europarl_en here 👇
https://europa.eu/!FRWqFK https://n.respublicae.eu/apisoneroecspox/status/1678821908991602688
<div class="rsshub-quote">
AnaPisonero: .@OliverVarhelyi: In #Srebrenica, Europe failed and we are faced with our shame. It is therefore our duty to remember Srebrenica forever
We remember and honour the victims
🇧🇦 Political leaders have a great responsibility to build a brighter & more prosperous future
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1678853506780876801
"We must go back to Bosnia, to #Srebrenica, to learn that difficult and painful lesson that truth is not compatible with denial, that justice is not compatible with impunity, and that peace is not compatible with aggression." @paulorangel_pt https://t.co/BsmoEO2zRy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPPGroup/status/1678803840093802496
Nel 1995, a #Srebrenica, veniva scritta una delle pagine più buie della storia europea: un vero e proprio #genocidio.
Non dimentichiamo quell’orrore, con la consapevolezza che una piena pacificazione dei #Balcani non potrà prescindere dalla comune prospettiva dell’integrazione… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1678820891637981184 https://t.co/MXfucJL9SA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/brandobenifei/status/1678820891637981184
#Srebrenica #GENOCIDIO #Balcani
El recuerdo de la masacre de #Srebrenica perpetrada por fuerzas serbobosnias con el asesinato en julio de 1995 de mas de 8.000 hombres adultos y jóvenes bosnios musulmanes nos remite a la peor historia europea. El peor crimen contra la humanidad desde la II Guerra Mundial. 1/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/FZarzalejos/status/1678837177420062720
.@OliverVarhelyi: In #Srebrenica, Europe failed and we are faced with our shame. It is therefore our duty to remember Srebrenica forever
We remember and honour the victims
🇧🇦 Political leaders have a great responsibility to build a brighter & more prosperous future
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1678821908991602688
Today we commemorate #Srebrenica.
28 years later, we cannot forget the lessons of 1995:
Truth is not compatible with Denial. Justice is not compatible with Impunity. Peace is not compatible with Aggression.
Never again. #NeverForgetSrebrenica https://t.co/9q8MwPra0n
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PauloRangel_pt/status/1678817632965783553
#Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica
🇧🇦 "I pay tribute to the victims of the #Srebrenica genocide and feel the pain of their families.
"For us, witnesses of Bucha and Irpin, it isn't enough to repeat 'never again'."
🗣 @AnnaFotyga_PE MEP in #EPlenary https://t.co/Mb52Yl7p00
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ecrgroup/status/1678823854842474519
🇧🇦 "I pay tribute to the victims of the #Srebrenica genocide and feel the pain of their families.
"For us, witnesses of Bucha and Irpin, it isn't enough to repeat 'never again'."
🗣 @AnnaFotyga_PE MEP in #EPlenary https://t.co/Mb52Yl7p00
"Il y a 28 ans s'écrivait l'une des pages les plus sombres de l'histoire européenne.
Nous partageons le chagrin et la douleur des familles des victimes et des survivants du génocide de #Srebrenica"
Déclaration commune du HRVP @JosepBorrellF & du commissaire @OliverVarhelyi ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEFrance/status/1678758659772534785
RT Renew Europe
Today we remember the victims of the genocide in #Srebrenica.
We commemorate the 8.000 Bosnian men & boys slaughtered by the Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995.
We have to join efforts so that violence never comes back to the region & to Bosnia Herzegovina. https://t.co/mDDAFXgJYA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RenewEurope/status/1678703177695129602
Le 11 juillet 1995, débutait la tragédie du génocide de #Srebrenica : plus de 8 000 musulmans bosniaques abattus et près de 30 000 femmes, enfants et personnes âgées déplacés de force. https://t.co/cuZ0Qzu9t9
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1678772260214280198
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #Srebrenica
In 1997, while working in Bosnia, I stood in the village of #Srebrenica, at the site of the murder of thousands of Muslim men and boys. It was chilling.
28 years on, we remember them. And may the horror of this event continue to remind us of the fragility of peace.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Remembering Srebrenica: Today is #Srebrenica Memorial Day which marks the 28th anniversary of the Bosnian genocide in which over 8,000 Muslim men and boys were murdered in the space of just a few days, and dumped in mass graves. In 2023, a significant number of the victims remains are still missing https://t.co/7gKA6hFPyr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineVoaden/status/1678784752705318912
RT Enhedslisten.EU
Never again shall the international community turn a blind eye on mass murder, ethnic cleansing and #genocide.
These were parts of @nvillumsen's words at the EU-Parliament commemoration of #Srebrenica
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary https://t.co/pdW1yqEojm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678725169429323776
#Genocide #Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary
RT Enhedslisten.EU
EU-Parlamentets taler til minde om folkemordet i #Srebrenica for 28 år siden dækkes af bosniske medier, der bl.a. citerer @nvillumsen tale på vegne af Venstrefløjsgruppen 👇
#EPlenary #NeverForgetSrebrenica #eudk #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678788928176893952
#Srebrenica #EPlenary #NeverForgetSrebrenica #eudk #dkpol
Heute vor 28 Jahren begann in #Srebrenica das schwerste Kriegsverbrechen seit dem Ende des 2. Weltkriegs. Während des Massakers, welches bis zum 19. Juli andauern sollte, wurden 8000 Bosniaken - meist Männer- durch die Armee der Republika Srpska ermordet. 1/3 https://t.co/owzWq7nxob
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bueti/status/1678769640036786180
kein Vergessen
Today we remember the suffering & tragedy of #Srebrenica genocide.
I share my sincerest condolences with the victims & survivors of the darkest page of Balkan’s recent history.
Justice must be fully served, there is no place for impunity or genocide denial in #BiH or elsewhere. https://t.co/5ALNg68rFV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1678735521084735490
Oggi ci uniamo in un silenzioso ricordo per commemorare il 28° anniversario del massacro di Srebrenica, una delle tragedie più cupe del XX secolo.
➡️ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid051h5meUn3UTbu4EEkPxiUyCfvNGpdToY1596iCLXzWobvEc3aQGSQMExE4GrHDLfl&id=100045107883615
#genocidiodiSrebrenica #ParlamentoEuropeo #EuropeanParliament #Srebrenica https://t.co/UtKZtWpMCC
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Isa_Adinolfi/status/1678783759322054658
#genocidiodiSrebrenica #ParlamentoEuropeo #EuropeanParliament #Srebrenica