RT @eu_eeas: #Srebrenica27: We cannot take peace for granted. It is our duty to remember the genocide of Srebrenica, as part of our common European history.
Here is all the info on the EU marking the commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide.
#Srebrenica27: No podemos dar por sentada la paz. Es nuestro deber recordar el genocidio de Srebrenica, como parte de nuestra historia común europea.
Recopilación de toda la información sobre la conmemoración del genocidio de Srebrenica
RT @eu_eeas: #Srebrenica27: We cannot take peace for granted. It is our duty to remember the genocide of Srebrenica, as part of our common European history.
Here is all the…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1546934017991344128
We cannot take peace for granted; it is our duty to remember Srebrenica
~🇪🇺HR/VP @JosepBorrellF on #Srebrenica27
We honour the memory of all victims & those still missing. Together in grief with their relatives & friends who survived the genocide.
#Srebrenica27 : No podemos dar por sentada la paz. Es nuestro deber recordar el genocidio de Srebrenica, como parte de nuestra historia común europea.
Revisa la información sobre la conmemoración del genocidio de Srebrenica por parte de la UE👉 http://europa.eu/!bYY6p9
RT @eu_eeas: #Srebrenica27: We cannot take peace for granted. It is our duty to remember the genocide of Srebrenica, as part of our common European history.
Here is al…
RT @eu_eeas: #Srebrenica27: We cannot take peace for granted. It is our duty to remember the genocide of Srebrenica, as part of our common European history.
Here is all the info on the EU marking the commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide.
#Srebrenica27: We cannot take peace for granted. It is our duty to remember the genocide of Srebrenica, as part of our common European history.
Here is all the info on the EU marking the commemoration of the Srebrenica genocide.
Der EU-Außenbeauftragte @JosepBorrellF und der EU-Nachbarschaftskommissar @OliverVarhelyi haben eine gemeinsame Erklärung zum 27. Jahrestag des Völkermordes von #Srebrenica abgegeben. Darin gedenken sie aller Opfer und derer, die noch vermisst werden.
🔗 http://europa.eu/!Mt7pbh
RT @OliverVarhelyi: We remember. #Srebrenica27
📌 Joint statement: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/varhelyi/announcements/bih-statement-h…
Today, July 11th, marks the anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre.
Never forget, always remember.
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/FitzgeraldFrncs/status/1546533605496741890
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide
8.372 - the number of brutally murdered Bosniaks in #Srebrenica.
And that number is not final.
Men, women, children, babies.
Never forget.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
RT @Dunja_Mijatovic: Great to meet my friend Menachem Rosensaft @WorldJewishCong at the commemoration of #Srebrenica27 @SrebrenicaMC He stressed the importance of solidarity with the Mothers @MSrebrenice and all victims of the genocide, need for remembrance and countering denial.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1546552760337842177
RT @coe: The Srebrenica genocide is one of the darkest pages of European history.
In July 1995, 8372 Bosniaks, mainly men & boys, were brutally killed in and around Srebrenica.
The Mothers’ fight for justice is relentless and should inspire us all.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1546552708630552578
RT @EPPGroup: For all the lives brutally taken...
For all the dreams stolen...
For all the mothers grieving...
For all the families broken...
Always remember #Srebrenica.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hildebentele/status/1546503537483472900
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
🇧🇦 27 años de una masacre inexplicable para las generaciones futuras.
De ello aprendemos que la paz, aunque sea lo que nos mueve, no siempre estará garantizada.
Cuidemos el presente de los discursos de odio del pasado.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MonicaSilvanaG/status/1546499564953370625
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica
RT @boell_eu: 🟢 11 July is #SrebrenicaGenocide Memorial Day. We remember and never forget the over 8.000 murdered Bosniak boys and men.
#Srebrenica #Srebrenica27 @SrebrenicaMC @boell_stiftung @hbs_sarajevo @boell_easteurop @UNOSAPG @romeofranz1 @Tineke_Strik @thomaswaitz @violavoncramon
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1546470422010634241
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica #Srebrenica27
For all the lives brutally taken...
For all the dreams stolen...
For all the mothers grieving...
For all the families broken...
Always remember #Srebrenica.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
RT @josattler: Today, I paid respect to the victims of the #SrebrenicaGenocide.
We must never forget them.
By remembering, we protect their memory against those who try to deny or distort the historical and judicial record and support the quest for justice.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
RT @IkaFerrerGotic@twitter.com
This man is carrying his father to rest after 27 years of search for his remains. He told me the 60% of his father's skeleton is now set for burial.
The Commemoration is tomorrow, July 11, at noon.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27 #Srebrenica @N1info@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IkaFerrerGotic/status/1546204194666946563
#srebrenicagenocide #Srebrenica27 #srebrenica
RT @IkaFerrerGotic@twitter.com
Words fail me. #Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica #Genocide
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IkaFerrerGotic/status/1546190464956727297
#Srebrenica27 #srebrenicagenocide #srebrenica #genocide
RT @OliverVarhelyi: We remember. #Srebrenica27
📌 Joint statement: http://europa.eu/!jBrrFR
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1546064002920468480
Europe has not forgotten what happened in #Srebrenica27 & our own responsibility for not being able to prevent & stop the genocide.
In these dangerous times, we wish to see 🇧🇦 progress on reconciliation, overcoming the legacies of the past, and decisively advance on its 🇪🇺 path
RT @APisoneroECSpox: BiH: Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi on the 27th anniversary of the…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1546051247362514944