Prošlo je 28 godina od kada su pripadnici postrojbi bosanskih Srba ušli u Srebrenicu te potom počinili genocid nad civilnim stanovništvom. U molitvi sam s obiteljima žrtava ovog strašnog zločina.🙏 #SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverAgain
#SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverAgain
On the 28th anniversary of the #SrebrenicaGenocide, we share the grief and pain of the families and friends of the victims and of the survivors.
Joint statement of HR/VP @JosepBorrellF & 🇪🇺Commissioner @OliverVarhelyi ➡️!TF8vhb
#Srebrenica28 #RememberSrebrenica
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica28 #RememberSrebrenica
Today the EU-Parliament will mark the 28th years since the #SrebrenicaGenocide began.
Men and boys were executed, women raped, children traumatized and the whole Bosniak community forced from their homes.
We must #NeverForgetSrebrenica!
#EPlenary #eudk
#SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary #eudk
Brak słów żeby oddać uczucia pojawiająca się na widok tych zdjęć. Jeszcze nie zidentyfikowano i nie pochowano wszystkich ofiar tego ludobójstwa a już mamy do czynienia z następnym w Ukrainie.
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Bosnian History: Today we mark 28 years since the #Srebrenica genocide in which 8372 Bosniak civilians were brutally murdered. They were killed after Serb forces attacked the UN "safe area" of Srebrenica in July 1995.
#SrebrenicaGenocide ▪️
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
RT Bosnian History
Today we mark 28 years since the #Srebrenica genocide in which 8372 Bosniak civilians were brutally murdered. They were killed after Serb forces attacked the UN "safe area" of Srebrenica in July 1995.
#SrebrenicaGenocide ▪️
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
RT Bosnian History
Srebrenica is a town in eastern Bosnia and was a UN "safe area" in the 1990s upon which the Serb Army forces imposed a siege and famine that, 28 years ago, culminated in the worst act of mass murder in Europe since World War II. This is a thread on the #SrebrenicaGenocide.
Personal belongings of a victim of the #SrebrenicaGenocide. 📷 Ziyah Gafic
"22 members of my family died in #Srebrenica; my husband and my youngest son. This should not happen to any mother. But it's the same now for Ukrainian and Russian mothers. And it must stop!"
An impressive speech of Munira Subašić, a #SrebrenicaGenocide survivor:
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
"V 🇪🇺ni prostora za genocid, revizionizem in poveličevanje vojnih zločincev. EU je nastala kot skupni mirovni projekt,prihodnost #BIH pa je v EU.« sta poudarila @JosepBorrellF in @OliverVarhelyi v izjavi ob 27. obletnici genocida v #SrebrenicaGenocide
RT @eu_near: Today we commemorate the 27th anniversary of #SrebrenicaGenocide. It is our shared European history and duty to honour the memory of those laid to rest and those still missing. More than ever, we cannot take peace for granted. We must work for it every day.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #RememberSrebrenica
Today we commemorate the 27th anniversary of #SrebrenicaGenocide. It is our shared European history and duty to honour the memory of those laid to rest and those still missing. More than ever, we cannot take peace for granted. We must work for it every day.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #RememberSrebrenica
RT @HNeumannMEP: "22 members of my family died in #Srebrenica; my husband and my youngest son. This should not happen to any mother. But it's the same now for Ukrainian and Russian mothers. And it must stop!"
An impressive speech of Munira Subašić, a #SrebrenicaGenocide survivor:
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
Today, July 11th, marks the anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre.
Never forget, always remember.
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide
8.372 - the number of brutally murdered Bosniaks in #Srebrenica.
And that number is not final.
Men, women, children, babies.
Never forget.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
We must never forget Srebrenica.
One of the darkest moments in European history.
A genocide committed against Bosnian Muslims.
And a reminder every day:
We have to stand up to Nationalism, anti-Muslim racism and hatred.
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide
RT @EPPGroup: For all the lives brutally taken...
For all the dreams stolen...
For all the mothers grieving...
For all the families broken...
Always remember #Srebrenica.
#SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
#Srebrenica #SrebrenicaGenocide #Srebrenica27
🇧🇦 27 años de una masacre inexplicable para las generaciones futuras.
De ello aprendemos que la paz, aunque sea lo que nos mueve, no siempre estará garantizada.
Cuidemos el presente de los discursos de odio del pasado.
#Srebrenica27 #SrebrenicaGenocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica
RT @MelinaBorcakEng: For Bosniaks, the #SrebrenicaGenocide isn't something we remember - it's something we live with every day. But since the world usually only listens to us on this one day, we have to use our energy to speak out instead of mourning. Thread:
RT @OEVPinEuropa: #Srebrenica is history that we must never forget. #WarCrime|s are present, since 24 Feb. on #European soil. We cannot accept positions & activities based on hubris, greed or hatred, less than ever. Appeasement always supports the aggressor, says @lukasmandl. #SrebrenicaGenocide
#Srebrenica #WarCrime #European #SrebrenicaGenocide
RT @ALDEParty: 🇧🇦 Together with colleagues from @dps_news and @RenewEurope, ALDE Party co-President @ilhankyuchyuk paid tribute to the thousands of victims of the #SrebrenicaGenocide 27 years ago.
"It is our moral duty to prevent these kind of atrocities from ever happening again", he said.