And another #digitalnomad #visa hits the streets - #SriLanka joins the party.
#digitalnomad #visa #SriLanka #workfromanywhere
#SriLanka government to appoint a parliamentary committee to investigate allegations made in a TV report by Channel 4 in the #UK that Sri Lankan intelligence officials were complicit in the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings that killed 269 people, including 42 foreigners from 14 countries.
@CandaceRobbAuthor @clive Thanks to @bigbeardedbookseller for listing #IndependentBookshops at
Many listings already for UK & Ireland, & I love the ambition to cover the rest of the world. Readers in #India #Malaysia #Myannmar #SriLanka, let's add favourite #IndieBookshops to the list! & then invite them to tell us more, by engaging with the interesting questionnaire?
#books #bookstodon @bookstodon
#independentbookshops #India #malaysia #myannmar #SriLanka #indiebookshops #books #bookstodon
Self-Compassion Retreat with Christine Longaker. Feb. 21-28.
In a beautiful, inspired setting in the hills of Sri Lanka, befriend every part of yourself and connect with compassion, while nourishing body, mind and spirit.
#ChristineLongaker #SelfCompassion #SelfCare
#Retreat #SriLanka
#christinelongaker #SelfCompassion #selfcare #retreat #SriLanka #compassion
Today, the 🇪🇺 together with @WorldBank #SriLanka, @AFD_en signed a EUR 9.8 million agreement with the @MoFSriLanka to help strengthen #SriLanka’s management of public finances.
📰Read the press release for more information 👉
[#SriLanka #Asie #Chine]
🇱🇰 Un an après la révolte populaire qui a mis fin au népotisme des Rajapaksa, le Sri Lanka n'est pas sorti d'affaire et subit la pression chinoise 🇨🇳.👉
Re Per acabar, he compartit uns minuts amb una delegació de tàmils exiliats de #SriLanka, a qui he tingut l’honor de signar la resolució que el Parlament de Catalunya va adoptar el 2017 sobre els efectes de la guerra a la població tàmil de Sri Lanka. Avui continuen sota una ocupació…
Protecting the #environment is a top priority for the 🇪🇺.
This is why, we are working w/ @actedsl @BiodiversitySriLanka, ISB, SUSTENT, & @teriin on a new PLASTICS project to promote #innovative & #sustainable ways to reduce & manage plastic in #SriLanka🌿
#environment #innovative #sustainable #SriLanka #WorldEnvironmentDay
Ahead of #WorldEnvironmentDay2023, read more on how the 🇪🇺 -@switchasia #PLASTICS is bringing ♾ Solutions to Plastic Pollution in #SriLanka
RT @switchasia: The increasing inflow of plastic packaging & large amounts of single-use plastics have become🔑 factors contributing to plastic pollution in Sri Lanka. Discover how @switchasia #PLASTICS is bringing ♾️ Solutions to Plastic Pollution 👉… …
#WorldEnvironmentDay2023 #plastics #SriLanka
Ein Aspekt von #Polizeigewalt ist der missbräuchliche Einsatz von Tränengas zur Niederschlagung von Protesten, z.B. im #Iran, in #Peru und #SriLanka. #ProtectTheProtest. 📃 Aktualisierte interaktive Webseite von #AmnestyInternational .
#polizeigewalt #iran #peru #SriLanka #ProtectTheProtest #AmnestyInternational
Today, on World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, the 🇪🇺 in #SriLanka recognises the importance of intercultural dialogue in creating a peaceful and inclusive society.
#EUinSriLanka #WorldDayForCulturalDiversity
#SriLanka #EUinSriLanka #worlddayforculturaldiversity
@eu_eeas "If the last 5 years have confirmed one thing that is well known about #SriLanka, is that it is a resilient country. On this day, however, I want to share my conviction that 🇱🇰 can move swiftly from being a resilient country to being an exemplary country" - Amb. Chaibi
🇪🇺 in #SriLanka marked Europe Day on 9 May with a reception for all partners & pledged to further strengthen collaboration and partnership with 🇱🇰 to promote #peace, #democracy, and #humanrights, #greentransition & to create a better future for all.
#Throwback #EuropeDay2023 #SriLanka #peace #Democracy #humanrights #GreenTransition
Economic, social & political shocks in #AsiaPacificare impacting the ability of govts to financially support #children & other vulnerable groups.
Here's how 🇪🇺in #SriLanka, @EUinThailand & @UNICEF_SriLanka are addressing these challenges w/ EU funding👉
#AsiaPacificare #children #SriLanka
DYK that approximately 1⃣ in 6⃣people in #SriLanka are multidimensionally poor?
Part of the 🇪🇺-UNICEF Public Finance Facility for South & Southeast Asia, the recently launched Multidimensional Poverty Index shows how #economic, social & #political shocks impact #socialprotection
#SriLanka #economic #political #socialprotection
Sri Lankan president threatens protesting teachers with draconian attacks
#teacher #TeacherTwitter #teacherstrikes #SriLanka #LosAngeles #Lehrer #twlz #educators #students #teacherandstudent #worldwide #Colombo #India #Asia #Europe
#teacher #teachertwitter #teacherstrikes #SriLanka #losangeles #lehrer #twlz #educators #students #teacherandstudent #worldwide #colombo #India #asia #Europe
US blacklists Wasantha Karannagoda, governor of North Western Province in #SriLanka, "due to his involvement in a gross violation of human rights during his tenure as a Naval Commander."
Had an interesting discussion with Sri Lankan University @usjp on benefits of #ERASMUS and other opportunities to further #EU-#SriLanka relations through education.
#Erasmus #EUinSriLanka
#Erasmus #EU #SriLanka #EUinSriLanka
Today marks four years since the #Easter Sunday attacks. @EU_in_Sri_Lanka remembers the victims & survivors and stands in #solidarity with the people of #SriLanka.
#easter #solidarity #SriLanka #EasterAttacks #EUinSriLanka
Diese skurrile Aussicht hatten wir aus unserem Badezimmerfenster in Sri Lanka. Hattest du auch schon einmal so einen ulkigen Fensterblick?
Mehr Infos zu unserer Sri Lanka Reise findest du übrigens hier: 👇
#HappyWeekend #srilanka #reisen
#Fensterfreitag #happyWeekend #SriLanka #reisen