Hey, so, apparently #Scripps and #Sinclair are pretty desperate to make tying pink ribbons to shit a thing to honor healthcare workers after the #StFrancisShooting.
I have a better idea. How about y'all actually start pitching the CDC's advice as a good thing instead of only giving a voice to folks who say the shooting was a false flag operation and eating dewormer paste cures viral infections?
#Scripps #sinclair #StFrancisShooting
Good to know it takes less time to get a weapon of warfare on a random Wednesday afternoon than it does to check out from the grocery store on a Saturday in this city.
Oh, #Stitt, blow the thoughts and prayers out your ass. Your "Constitutional Carry" law enabled this, and in a fair society you'd be treated as an accessory after the fact. #StFrancisShooting
For everyone trying to follow today's events in #Tulsa, please consider looking to News on 6, which is the most reliable local source. #StFrancisShooting
Just got confirmation all my friends I know who work at SFH are safe. #StFrancisShooting
I'm so unbelievably pissed and scared right now about the #StFrancisShooting. And how, once again the Diet Republicans will ask the Republicans for permission to do anything to prevent it and the Republicans will just keep on saying it's too soon to talk about it.