#StHelena #FarmersMarket
A Friday Morning Tradition!
May - October, 7:30am til Noon
*June 9th at 10.30 am: Lecture "The Ecology, Benefits and Propagation of Local #nativeplants by Aimee Wyrick, M. Sc
Location: Crane Park, 360 Crane Avenue, City of St. Helena, California
#StHelena #farmersmarket #nativeplants
Napa County ceremonies will honor war dead on Memorial Day
#Napa #Calistoga #Yountville #StHelena #AmericanCanyon #NapaCounty #California
#napa #calistoga #yountville #StHelena #americancanyon #napacounty #california
St. Helena curtails use of emergency sirens. #StHelena #California
Sirens will be used for life threatening situations, e.g. #wildfire, #hazardous spills, etc.
The city will issue a Nixle/Everbridge alert explaining what's going on. Sign up for #alerts at https://www.nixle.com/
#StHelena #california #wildfire #hazardous #alerts
The Richie Block building in #StHelena, #California with its' delightful curlicue window trims. This Victorian was built in 1892 and is on Main Street.
#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #StHelena #california #napavalley #architecture
Jonathan the tortoise, world's oldest land animal, celebrates his 190th birthday
#sthelena #jonathanthetortoise #worldsoldestanimal
#StHelena #jonathanthetortoise #worldsoldestanimal
My offering from the today's birdie tweeting. #DavidOlusoga
#Slavery #Gateshead #StHelena #Racism @lowriejohn
#davidolusoga #slavery #gateshead #StHelena #racism
I've always been against 5 star hotels for #ForeignAid conferences and the exorbitant luxury #EcoTourism retreats, so good to expound the #DineWithLocals theme. #Cambodia #StHelena and everywhere.
#ForeignAid #ecotourism #dinewithlocals #cambodia #StHelena
Pleased to join a #UK #Mastodon community to see and to share all things #ForeignAid #UKAid #HumanRights #Whistleblowers #Cambodia #StHelena #Rwanda #Northumberland etc, and yesterday's import from the fluttering birdie-site.
#uk #mastodon #ForeignAid #UKAid #humanrights #whistleblowers #cambodia #StHelena #rwanda #northumberland
Irish Surnames And Slave Ownership
Liam Hogan
Publication date
#irish, #ireland, #slavery, #history, #caribbean, 'unitedstatesofamerika, #blackchattelslavery, #slaveownership, #slaveships, #BightofBiafra, #Anomabu, #Ghana, #StHelena, #GrandCapeMount, #Liberia, #SierraLeone, #Africa, #Calabar, #Nigeria, #BananaIslands, #ÎlesdeLos, #IvoryCoast, #NewCalabar, #Dublin, #Mayo, #Carlow, #CountyWicklow, #Galway, #CountyDonegal, #CountyMeath, #CountyTyrone, #CountyAntrin, #CountyLouth, #Cork, #Waterford, #CountyDerry, #CountyLaois, #CountyTipperary, #CountySilgo, #Jamaica, #Antigua, #Honduras, #StKitts, #StKittsandNevis, #Grenada, #Dominica, #Waitukubuli, #Nevis, #VirginIslands, #StLucia, #Guyana, #Montserrat, #Bermuda, #TheBahamas, #Tobago, #StVincent, #StVincentandtheGrenadines, #Trinidad, #TrinidadandTobago, #Barbados, #Mauritius, #CapeofGoodHope, #SouthAfrica, #AntiguaandBarbuda, #unitedkingdom, #britishempire, #greatbritain, #colonialism, #imperialism, #Anguilla
#irish #ireland #slavery #history #caribbean #blackchattelslavery #slaveownership #slaveships #BightofBiafra #Anomabu #ghana #StHelena #GrandCapeMount #liberia #SierraLeone #africa #Calabar #nigeria #BananaIslands #ÎlesdeLos #IvoryCoast #NewCalabar #dublin #Mayo #carlow #CountyWicklow #galway #CountyDonegal #CountyMeath #CountyTyrone #CountyAntrin #CountyLouth #cork #Waterford #CountyDerry #CountyLaois #CountyTipperary #CountySilgo #jamaica #Antigua #honduras #StKitts #StKittsandNevis #Grenada #dominica #Waitukubuli #Nevis #virginislands #StLucia #guyana #Montserrat #Bermuda #thebahamas #tobago #StVincent #StVincentandtheGrenadines #trinidad #trinidadandtobago #barbados #mauritius #CapeofGoodHope #southafrica #AntiguaandBarbuda #unitedkingdom #britishempire #greatbritain #colonialism #imperialism #Anguilla