In Feb–Mar of 2020, I built a another toy #StackBased #concatenative #programming #language in #clojure called "As if":
This was for a presentation on Clojure transducers, not for a serious #language implementation 🙈
I implemented it as a single call to clojure.core/transduce with the language's lex, parse, and optimize phases as transducers and its eval as a reducing function.
#StackBased #concatenative #programming #language #clojure #projects
Hopping on the #projects 🚋
In April 2021 I wrote a toy #StackBased #concatenative
#programming #language called Shackle:
• Entirely in a single #html file, with form for evaluating.
• Literals treated as #json, pushed onto the stack.
• Symbols looked up in the word dictionary, which is empty to start.
• If a word is not understood, you're prompted to define it.
• Stores the stack and word dictionary in the URL params, so your impl is captured entirely in the URL.
#projects #StackBased #concatenative #programming #language #html #json