My paper with @hendrikvanantwerpen on #StackGraphs was accepted to the Eelco Visser Commemorative Symposium! Looking forward to meeting other Eelconauts in Delft this April. #EVCS2023
@nerdypepper @jhpratt @fasterthanlime #StackGraphs are only needed for precise code nav. For search-based, we use tree-sitter’s “tagging” feature:
I'm remiss in posting an #Introduction, so here goes!
I manage the #SemanticCode team at #GitHub. We look for ways to apply PL and program analysis research. Our most visible feature is #StackGraphs, which powers Precise Code Nav on GitHub.
As you might expect, I'm very keen on reading academic papers (used to organize the Boston #PapersWeLove chapter), and I'm getting back into writing them more.
I love watching sports with my kids and coaching them in #soccer. ⚽
#introduction #SemanticCode #github #StackGraphs #PapersWeLove #soccer