#jmggaming Streaming Update: Due to the #NFLPlayoffs we will be doing our #RedDeadOnline Rampage on #stadia tonight at 8:00pm ET / 12:00am GMT
Join @crowrezin @Simply_Pwned @ray3473 & entire community as we run amuck in Rhodes
#TeamStadia #Stadia100 #stadia #reddeadonline #NFLPlayoffs #jmggaming
#jmggaming Streaming Update: Due to the #NFLPlayoffs we will be doing our #RedDeadOnline Rampage on #stadia tonight at 8:00pm ET / 12:00am GMT
Join @crowrezin @Simply_Pwned @ray3473 & entire community as we run amuck in Rhodes
#TeamStadia #Stadia100 #stadia #reddeadonline #NFLPlayoffs #jmggaming
Struggling not to LOL at offline work office....
Thanks for nothing Phil Harrison...
RT @rON_SLUSHER@twitter.com
Coming to STADIA Pro December
#Stadia #Stadia100
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rON_SLUSHER/status/1595456236429770758
RT @OriginaIPenguin@twitter.com
In addition to updating the database, I've made a rudimentary tool to track the games you want to purchase on other platforms.
Check it out below and save a copy to your Gdrive
#Stadia #Stadia100
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OriginaIPenguin/status/1575888476012167168
RT @in7ead@twitter.com
Earlier this year, #Stadia announced plans to release 100 games in 2022.
How is it going after 70% of the year?
- 49 games released in 255 days
- difference to target: -21 games
- required rate for rest of 2022: 3.25 games/week
Have fun with the data!
#TeamStadia #Stadia100
#stadia #TeamStadia #Stadia100
RT @StadiaDosage@twitter.com
Stadia apk 4.33 is out. Lots and lots of new strings to look at here!
4K, Zoom, Multithreaded GamePads, more on eSports, Party Stream, Ubisoft+ and more!
#Stadia #Stadia100 #StadiaShine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StadiaDosage/status/1567997914093604864
#stadia #Stadia100 #stadiashine
Facts are facts .... So much movement for a dying platform.... #Stadia iS dEd they say....
RT @in7ead@twitter.com
Earlier this year, #Stadia announced plans to release 100 games in 2022.
How is it going after 60% of the year?
- 45 games released in 217 days
- difference to target: -15 games
- required rate for rest of 2022: 2.62 games/week
Have fun with the data!
#TeamStadia #Stadia100
#stadia #TeamStadia #Stadia100
RT @in7ead@twitter.com
Earlier this year, #Stadia announced plans to release 100 games in 2022.
How is it going after 60% of the year?
- 45 games released in 217 days
- difference to target: -15 games
- required rate for rest of 2022: 2.62 games/week
Have fun with the data!
#TeamStadia #Stadia100
#stadia #TeamStadia #Stadia100
RT @StadiaDosage@twitter.com
We've got another Stadia related hardware giveaway going on!
Giving away a 3-point Nest Wifi kit and a Logitech C922x Webcam!
Go to the blog to enter (deadline is end of day Sunda).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StadiaDosage/status/1548431855405322241
RT @jdeslip@twitter.com
Lots of new discoveries in the 4.22 Stadia .apk!
E-Sports support, capture reactions and related posts, switch your touch layout and more: https://stadiadosage.com/apk-findings
RT @stadia_r@twitter.com
Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova | Announce Trailer https://www.reddit.com/r/Stadia/comments/uwz34k/star_trek_prodigy_supernova_announce_trailer/ #Stadia #GoogleStadia #TeamStadia #Stadia100
#Stadia100 #TeamStadia #googlestadia #stadia
RT @NinjaGuyX@twitter.com
Outbreak might be coming to Stadia, but it's very important to keep the interest active! Make sure to like the following tweet and comment under it if you can!
I'm working on a video at the moment that explains the current situation. So stay tuned!
#Stadia100 #BringItToStadia https://twitter.com/deaddropstudios/status/1516063285887606800
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NinjaGuyX/status/1516437436771061762
Un vídeo promocional de #McDonnals on uns nois juguen amb @GoogleStadia@twitter.com ? #WTF #StadiaCat #CloudGaming #Gaming #ThisIsNextGen
RT @4Scarrs_Gaming@twitter.com
Saw this posted on reddit. At 15 second mark in a McDonalds UK promo the kids are playing #Stadia #Stadia100 @McDonaldsUK@twitter.com https://youtu.be/q9BrXm_z_kw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/4Scarrs_Gaming/status/1494825864160239624
#Stadia100 #stadia #ThisIsNextGen #Gaming #cloudgaming #StadiaCat #WTF #McDonnals
RT @ChariotMan85@twitter.com
#Cyberpunk2077 gets a 1.5 update for All Platforms and especially on #Stadia.. As you can see the STADIA Version is right up there with the next gen #PS5 and the #XboxSeriesX version and definitely $500 Smackers less on Stadia just by the game and you is good to go.. #Stadia100
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChariotMan85/status/1493718726927077377
#Stadia100 #XboxSeriesX #PS5 #stadia #Cyberpunk2077