“Here we all are in a world that all of us think is dying, with governments that all of us think are shits, and we still can’t do anything about it.” Stafford Beer Interviews. Angela Espinosa Interviews Vanilla Beer - September 2023.

#StaffordBeer #VSM #cybersyn

Last updated 1 year ago

Doug Webb · @douginamug
813 followers · 7119 posts · Server mastodon.xyz


"A wild tale of how 's engineers and a British management consultant dared challenge corporations and spy agencies - and almost won"

A 9 X ~1 hr podcast with lots of archival audio and recent interviews. Listened to the first 2 and can already recommend.

#allende #chile #cybersyn #cybernetics #StaffordBeer

Last updated 1 year ago

🌳ybaumy 🌳🐈‍⬛ · @ybaumy
97 followers · 3002 posts · Server digitalcourage.social
sidereal · @sidereal
345 followers · 2972 posts · Server kolektiva.social


"How can a workshop be self-recursive?

Would self-recursion give a workshop consciousness and identity?

Would these raise consensus and participation?

Could recursion play a role in group dialogue?

Could such constant patterns lead to greater group coherence?

Could the to-and-fro of support and criticism lead to better conclusions?"

#cybernetics #StaffordBeer #cybersyn

Last updated 1 year ago

sidereal · @sidereal
341 followers · 2926 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This is an interesting article on the nuts and bolts of how Project Cybersyn worked tech-in-japan.github.io/articl

#cybernetics #StaffordBeer #cybersyn

Last updated 1 year ago

sidereal · @sidereal
341 followers · 2916 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"According to the cybernetician the purpose of a system is what it does. This is a basic dictum. It stands for bald fact, which makes a better starting point in seeking understanding than the familiar attributions of good intention, prejudices about expectations, moral judgment or sheer ignorance of circumstances." -- Stafford Beer

#cybernetics #StaffordBeer #Organizing

Last updated 1 year ago

🌳ybaumy 🌳🐈‍⬛ · @ybaumy
149 followers · 1419 posts · Server digitalcourage.social
sidereal · @sidereal
45 followers · 166 posts · Server kolektiva.social

the slash is an example of what said about how a given system can be improved simply by adding (in this case, separate instances) without significantly changing the system otherwise. the paradigm ultimately isn't that different from previously existing except for the flexibility provided by an added level of recursivity.

#fediverse #mastodon #StaffordBeer #recursivity #socialmedia #cybernetics

Last updated 2 years ago

DrArtAnalytics · @DrArtAnalytics
98 followers · 268 posts · Server mstdn.social

I had the pleasure of studying and the work of quite a bit this year. It astounds me that we are still trying to use positivist reductionist thinking in a distinctly cybernetic world. Time for new paradigms and methods of rigour to emerge, but will we embrace them?

#StaffordBeer #cybernetics

Last updated 2 years ago

Gabriel Muro · @gabrielmuro
20 followers · 15 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Gran ensayo sobre planificación de datos y el Cybersyn chileno, por @leonardosai y Sofía Scasserra, en la edición actual de Espectros.

“Este injerto cibernético en medio de una revolución política de cuño marxista-leninista, clarividente en sus ideas respecto a lo que treinta años más tarde fue la Internet, no nos atrae por su anticipación técnica sino por las enseñanzas que podemos extraer de sus fracasos en tanto experiencia histórica de regulación económica. El principal fue la imposibilidad estructural de que la producción, esencialmente conflictiva y contradictoria de la economía política del capital, pueda ser superada o gobernada por un modelo de control cibernético que se auto estabilice en función al entorno sustituyendo la legitimidad política por el autoritarismo de un sistema computacional. (…) lo que nos interesa de la experiencia cibernética de la UP es repensarla en la dirección de un uso de la cibernética para proyectos de reindustrialización bajo la conducción de una política de concertación en el contexto de una idea de Estado empresario (como se decía en la Argentina de los años setenta) o Estado emprendedor (en el concepto de Mazzucato). Es que los problemas de la acumulación del capital industrial subdesarrollado, con los cuales se enfrentó Beer en Chile de 1971, persisten en nuestros días: inflación, déficit del gasto estatal, ausencia de planificación tecnológica y desarrollo de las empresas domésticas, dificultad para la acumulación de reservas genuinas en base a saldos industriales exportables, etc.”

Ensayo completo en: espectros.com.ar/la-cuestion-d

#cybersyn #Synco #salvadorallende #StaffordBeer #UnidadPopular #cibernetica

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Literally
106 followers · 1474 posts · Server social.coop

Fleshing out 's node.

#viablesystemmodel #StaffordBeer

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Literally
118 followers · 1453 posts · Server social.coop

New Node - The Viable Systems Model Guide.

A guide to 's Viable Systems model.

Interesting to read this after Six Sigma is falling a bit out of fashion.

The Guide:



Last updated 2 years ago

· @Literally
116 followers · 1442 posts · Server social.coop

Organizing section of the vault with excalibrain.

#ObsidianMD #StaffordBeer

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Literally
117 followers · 1442 posts · Server social.coop

Organizing section of the vault with excalibrain.

#ObsidianMD #StaffordBeer

Last updated 2 years ago

I’ve reread The Fractal Organisation several times and always seem to find something new to appreciate everytime.

Finished reading: The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model by Patrick Hoverstadt & Lucy Loh 📚 fractal-consulting.com/publica

#VSM #StaffordBeer

Last updated 4 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server toot.cat

@temporal To paraphrase Stafford Beer: The Purpose of an (Performative) Action is What it Does.


#StaffordBeer #cybernetics #POASIWID #POAAIWID #PerformativeAction

Last updated 4 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
1996 followers · 14495 posts · Server toot.cat

Most fields have only a few laws.

I've been diving into over the past few days, guru of the 1970s-90s. His concepts of of , and of get toward this. Notably, a model should be as simple as possible, but no simpler (Einstein).

An overly complex model invites

Breakthroughs in domains occur where an accumulation of many complex rules can be discarded for a small set of simpler ones. Physics: Newton on gravity, motion, and optics. Chemistry: Mendeleev on chemical elements (valance electrons and atomic masses), Biology: Darwin and evolution (and genetics and DNA). Geology: Wegener and plate tectonics. Information; Shannon. Computer science: Turing & Church.

The social sciences have been approached repeatedly by their core truth but to date have rejected it.


#StaffordBeer #cybernetics #AshbysLaw #RequisiteVariety #ViableSystemsModel #overfitting

Last updated 4 years ago

Sozialwelten · @sozialwelten
1438 followers · 10041 posts · Server ifwo.eu
Adrian McEwen · @amcewen
499 followers · 1922 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

In other 1970s technology histories, I've written up my notes from reading Cybernetic Revolutionaries, about , and mcqn.net/mcfilter/archives/boo

#socialist #StaffordBeer #cybernetics #chile

Last updated 5 years ago