I was online with #StageManager today - and wasn’t able to send a toot? How is it possible to remove the icons over the button to post? Exited Stagemanager and everything was fine.
It’s nice to see iPads supporting an external monitor and I’ve come to like #StageManager on my #iPad and MacBook, but the iPad simply isn’t a #laptop replacement, by far. After connecting a #keyboard and #mouse it quickly becomes clear that #iPadOS is unable to function like a desktop OS. It can not understand arrow keys, the mouse is not intuitive, which is to say it doesn’t act like a typical mouse pointer. It’s better than years ago, but has a long way left to become a laptop replacement.
#ipados #mouse #keyboard #laptop #ipad #StageManager
#Apple software ain’t where is used to be. #Siri turns lights on before saying that light isn’t responding. #HomePod suddenly starts asking if you want to call emergency services. #iPhone randomly starts playing music/podcasts and connects to HomePod when placed on charge. #M1 #iMac takes several seconds to start apps, including Apple made apps. Don’t get me started on #StageManager what a mess.
#StageManager #Apple #Siri #homepod #iphone #m1 #imac
Ich mag diesen #StageManager immer mehr. Eigentlich unglaublich clever gelöst auf einem Mac.
Just accidentally found a great use of #StageManager: to add extra side margin to Books.app so your thumb can rest comfortably! Just make sure to long press the Stage Manager icon in Control Center and turn off Recent Apps. #iPadOS #ergonomics
#StageManager #ipados #ergonomics
Apple's Stage Manager is basically Windows Snap Assist with the big difference #StageManager is bad. And I mean really bad!
#windows #Microsoft #mac #ios #apple #StageManager
Ich komm immer noch nicht wirklich mit dem #Stagemanager klar auf #iPad oder unter #macOS.
Zum Beispiel: #Safari nicht in Vollbild. Möchte ich von links nach rechts wischen, also zurück - kommen die Apps auf der Seite. Aber zurück komm ich nicht.
#StageManager #ipad #macos #safari #apple
A super underrated feature of #StageManager is the ability to run both iPhone apps and apps that don’t support Split View all at the same time! Here I have 2 iPad apps that have never supported ‘classic’ iPad multitasking and an iPhone app all in one work space 🔥
Am I the only one who thinks that #stagemanager is not being built primarily for #ipad nor for #macOS, but rather for xrOS/realityOS?
Stage Manager was THE feature I was most excited for, and after a month o continuous use I can't stand this fucking steamy, stinky pos anymore. Does anyone at that fruity company uses their own interfaces?
@samueljohn @pschiller #StageManager was deactivated on day one 🫠 - congrats on bearing with it so long.
I know this is a super unpopular opinion, but I actually really like #StageManager, especially when using an external display. It definitely has some rough edges, but it has made my iPad feel way more powerful and useful, and Apple has fixed most of the major crashing bugs. Here’s hoping they can further refine the design and really make it rock solid
Why are people pretending that #StageManager on #macOS 'finally' allows people to manage all their open applications. Are they just pretending they haven't had the ability to switch between multiple desktops for years?
If you have mixed feelings about #StageManager for #macOS then I recommend Howard Oakley's aptly-named series: Stage Manager for the unimpressed.
If anyone at #Apple is around, I just filed #feedback FB11917009 (No display or text scaling options on LG 5K HDR display and no ability to choose audio output), because I finally got the right sized cable for my #iPadPro to test #StageManager on my bigger monitor, and it has two bugs:
- I cannot see any text scaling options for this display.
- I cannot use the monitor audio output
I also updated last year’s blog post: https://taoofmac.com/space/blog/2022/12/14/1230
At least this is something to do while sick.
#apple #feedback #ipadpro #StageManager
I have so much mixed feelings about Stage Manager for iPad... its weird that its both nice and stupid at the same time.
I am not saying I don’t like it, but #StageManager is fricken weird #macOS #Ventura