👇 🤔 lol genmais und käfer kisten
bearbeitet von robotern
und alles strahlend vom depleated uranium von den panzergeschossen
lecker !!!!!!!!!!😋 🤪 🤖
macht das sinn bis zum letzten ukrainer -die müssen dann mal alle weg
The dutch WEF ♟♟ and Multinationals want to move their foodproduction to……
#truestory check #Rabobank , a #WEF partner bank and #KYC implementors / banksters . They don’t even make it a secret anymore
#StakeholderCapitalism 🔜 less competition 👨🌾 #Farmers
#truestory #rabobank #wef #kyc #StakeholderCapitalism #farmers
What a bizarre coincidence for that to be the exact same goal of #StakeholderCapitalism. It's almost as if the stakeholders may have some kind of backdoor inlfuence over government policy, though only a conspiracy theorist would say such a thing. https://twitter.com/GuyNAustin/status/1566168548527022080
#StakeholderCapitalism #COVID19 #newnormal
Step right up, folks!
How many doses is it safe to inject at once?
It would obviously be as many doses as can be injected, no?
And when disregarding their intended use, they reduce mortality from all other causes. It's like magic.
By @stronglogicp
Have you signed up for immortality?
#covidism #moderna #thirtyMillionDoses #stakeholderCapitalism #collectivism #superNationalFascism #newBillionaires
#newBillionaires #superNationalFascism #collectivism #StakeholderCapitalism #thirtyMillionDoses #moderna #covidism
Has anyone else heard of this new concept called #StakeholderCapitalism where big companies are given governmental authority? Would you want to live in a world where #Facebook and #Twitter are then directly part of the government? Big tech is already indirectly part of the government, so what could wrong? Lulz ^_^
I still have to read the rest of this, but wanted to share what some of the evil people are trying to bring into existence:
#StakeholderCapitalism #facebook #twitter