The #WHO (World Horror Organization or We should call World Hell Organisation) are planning to develop a global digital vaccine passport for any vaccine. This is unelected technocratic control. No one voted for this.
#NOVaccinePassports #StandAgainstTyranny
#WHO #NOVaccinePassports #StandAgainstTyranny
Posted: Fri Dec 02 21:49:37 0000 2022
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#StandAgainstTyranny #NOVaccinePassports #who
It’s time to #standup. An awakening is happening across the world. People will see the actions we choose and time will not forget the silence we take. What side of history will you stand on? #StandAgainstTyranny #StandTogether #EndTheMandates #NaturalImmunity #StandFree
#StandFree #naturalimmunity #EndTheMandates #StandTogether #StandAgainstTyranny #StandUp