Of the four fundamental forces in nature only three – the electromagnetic force and the strong and weak nuclear forces – are explained by the #StandardModel of #ParticlePhysics.
The model can't explain the fourth fundamental force, #gravity, or #DarkMatter – a strange and mysterious substance thought to make up about 27% of the universe.
Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature | #TheoreticalPhysics | The Guardian
#theoreticalphysics #darkmatter #gravity #particlephysics #StandardModel
Ingrid Fadelli - The ATLAS collaboration observes the electroweak production of two jets and a Z-boson pair:
#ATLAS #CERN #Electroweak #VectorBosonScattering #VBS #ZBoson #Boson #BroutEnglertHiggs #BEH #StandardModel #ParticlePhysics #Physics
#physics #particlephysics #StandardModel #BEH #BroutEnglertHiggs #Boson #ZBoson #VBS #VectorBosonScattering #Electroweak #cern #atlas
New measurement of electron magnetic moment continues to agree with the Standard Model:
#electron #measurement #magnetic #particle #physics #StandardModel
#electron #measurement #magnetic #particle #physics #StandardModel
2/ As I began to get into theoretical physics back in 2013, as I began reading about the #StandardModel, I found that the descriptions of the relationships between the fundamentical particles formed a sort of "representational model" in my mind's-eye, and I was able to see (and even hear(!) more on that later) the details of the interactions between them.
At first, my pictures were wrong, and the questions I asked were also wrong.
However, over time, learning more, the pictures clarified. 2/
CERN - LHCb brings leptons into line:
#BMeson #Meson #BMesonDecay #Quarks #Leptons #LeptonFlavourUniversality #LargeHadronCollider #LHC #LHCb #StandardModel #ParticlePhysics #Physics
#physics #particlephysics #StandardModel #LHCb #LHC #largehadroncollider #LeptonFlavourUniversality #Leptons #Quarks #BMesonDecay #Meson #BMeson
Learn more:
• #LHCb seminar presentation: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1187945/attachments/2569929/4431222/LHCSeminar_20_12_2022_rquaglia.pdf
• Paper 1: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.09152
• Paper 2: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.09153
• #CERN update: https://home.cern/news/news/physics/lhcb-brings-leptons-line
• CERN Courier article: https://cerncourier.com/a/lhcb-brings-leptons-into-line/
#ScienceMastodon #Sciencedon #Science #Physics #ParticlePhysics #StandardModel
#lhcb #cern #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science #physics #particlephysics #StandardModel
Big #News, #ICYMI: Recent measurements of rare B-meson decays using data from the entire #LHC Run 1 and 2 support the predictions of the #StandardModel, effectively replacing earlier findings that suggested deviations from the long-standing theory.
#ScienceMastodon #Sciencedon #Science #Physics #ParticlePhysics
#news #icymi #lhc #StandardModel #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science #physics #particlephysics
#Axions have a double motivation: they solve the 'strong CP problem' of the #StandardModel of elementary #Particles & they are a candidate for the #DarkMatter of the #Universe. The discovery of axions would answer many questions about dark matter & other #ParticlePhysics mysteries. Axions are also predicted by #StringTheory, or the idea that all the forces & particles in the universe are tied together as part of the same framework.
#axions #StandardModel #particles #darkmatter #universe #particlephysics #stringtheory
New @ATLASexperiment result addresses long-standing tension in the #StandardModel https://buff.ly/3etS44y #LHC #CERN