I hate daylight savings time. Curse you and your stupid change in the clocks. It's no longer necessary, and we were just starting to get some nice sunlight by 6:00 AM.
#StandardTime #daylightsavingssucks #stopchangingclocks
#AmericanMedicalAssociation Recommends Permanent Use of #StandardTime https://www.newsmax.com/health/health-news/time-standard-daylight-saving/2022/11/16/id/1096646/
#StandardTime #americanmedicalassociation
It's my favorite day of the year! Hooray for getting extra sleep when we #FallBack. Science says we should stay on #StandardTime, and I agree. I love autumn! ๐โค
So happy to be back on #StandardTime. Let this be the last time I have to switch clocks. #SaveStandardTime #DST sucks.
#dst #SaveStandardTime #StandardTime
Half our clocks corrected themselves overnight.
The other half of clocks are still annoying enough that I wish everything was either Internet-of-Things or had radio for the atomic time / DST sets.
I'm quickly finding every archaic clock in our house that didn't correct themselves overnight. I'm only forgiving the Nixie tubes.
#StandardTime #daylightsavingtime
YOUR clock might say 4:15 AM
OUR tummies say it's 5:15 AM and you haven't gotten up out of bed, fed us, or taken us for walkies yet!
#hungry #StandardTime #daylightsavingtime
Daylight saving time 2022 in Virginia began at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 13 and ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 6.
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight.๐โ๏ธ
#StandardTime #daylightsavingtime
I hate #WinterTime / #StandardTime. I know, it's the correct time, but #SummerTime / #DaylightSavingTime suits me so much better. Now its dark when I leave work and that gives me a feel of having worked overhours and being home super late. :blobcatcry:
#wintertime #StandardTime #summertime #daylightsavingtime
Just a quick reminder, if you live in a northern hempishere country that observes #DST, you are going back to #standardTime now. Thatโs the time zone that aligns with your actual geography. Itโs the one that means you donโt get up in the dark, so letโs do like #Mexico and #SaveStandardTime.
#SaveStandardTime #mexico #StandardTime #dst
Daylight Saving Time is just awful. It continues to screw me up way past the initial resetting of clocks, making me think it's not as late as it really is, and then I get less sleep. I suppose I should set an alarm to remind me to go to bed, but I'd rather just keep Standard Time.