We ❤ Humanity.
If you feel the same we're glad to share our #heart with You and the #publicdomain as #svg / #pdf under #CreativeCommons.
Among those who published our heart so far are a few well known organizations like #StanfordUniversity #AlJazeera #doccheck
You are welcome to download it here. It's available free of charge at page 5...
#heart #publicdomain #svg #pdf #CreativeCommons #StanfordUniversity #aljazeera #doccheck
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Gravity from thermodynamics: Optimal transport and negative effective dimensions
Giuseppe Bruno De Luca, Nicolò De Ponti, Andrea Mondino, Alessandro Tomasiello
SciPost Phys. 15, 039 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #StanfordUniversity #SISSA #UniversityofOxford #UniversityofMilano #INFN #MIUR #SimonsFoundation
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Higher-form subsystem symmetry breaking: Subdimensional criticality and fracton phase transitions
Brandon C. Rayhaun, Dominic J. Williamson
SciPost Phys. 15, 017 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #StanfordUniversity #universityofsydney #NSF #SimonsFoundation
Global News BC: After a traumatic brain injury, UBC student heads to Stanford to help others https://globalnews.ca/news/9739800/traumatic-brain-injury-ubc-stanford-studying/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Braininjurytechnology #TraumaticBrainInjury #Braininjuryresearch #Researchbraininjury #Treatingbraininjury #Recoveringfromcoma #StanfordUniversity #BrainInjury #UBCstudent #Education #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #braininjurytechnology #traumaticbraininjury #braininjuryresearch #researchbraininjury #treatingbraininjury #recoveringfromcoma #StanfordUniversity #braininjury #ubcstudent #education #ubc
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Fragmentation-induced localization and boundary charges in dimensions two and above
Julius Lehmann, Pablo Sala de Torres-Solanot, Frank Pollmann, Tibor Rakovszky
SciPost Phys. 14, 140 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #TUM #MCQST #SU #dfg #StanfordUniversity
#Floriduh ‘s first fascist governor #RonDeathSantis has turned #NewCollege into #EwCollege , and students are planning their own commencement instead of being subjected to the anti-science nonsense of #StanfordUniversity ‘s ‘Doctor of Death’ ☠️, #ScottAtlas. 👉 https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/16/new-college-graduation-trump-adviser-00097180
#floriduh #rondeathsantis #newcollege #ewcollege #StanfordUniversity #scottatlas
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: What Was Olivia Wilde Doing in a White Dress at Colton Underwood's Wedding? https://jezebel.com/what-was-olivia-wilde-doing-in-a-white-dress-at-colton-1850445173 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #stanforduniversity #coltonunderwood #findesic3a8cle #kimkardashian #taylorlautner #humaninterest #jordancbrown #weddingdress #oliviawilde #barackobama #harrystyles #voguechina #oscarwilde #nililotan #tomhanks #jojosiwa #wedding #writers #darling #jordan
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #StanfordUniversity #coltonunderwood #findesic3a8cle #KimKardashian #taylorlautner #humaninterest #jordancbrown #weddingdress #oliviawilde #barackobama #harrystyles #voguechina #oscarwilde #nililotan #tomhanks #jojosiwa #wedding #writers #darling #jordan
#StanfordUniversity received #funding from #China between 2021 and 2022 #NationalSecurity
#nationalsecurity #China #funding #StanfordUniversity
#StanfordUniversity received #funding from #China between 2021 and 2022
#nationalsecurity #China #funding #StanfordUniversity
The Tyee: Alberta’s Oil Patch Regulator Changes Tune on Earthquakes (in News) https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/03/27/Alberta-Oil-Regulator-Earthquakes/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #GailAtkinsonCanadaResearchChairinEarthquakeHazards #RyanSchultzStanfordDoerrSchoolofSustainability #carboncaptureandstorage(CCS)technology #GrantFergusonUniversityofSaskatchewan #AlbertaEnergyRegulator #CarmenLangerAlberta #StanfordUniversity #BCEnergyRegulator #EarthquakesCanada #GordonRitchieRBC #PeaceRiver
#BCNews #TheTyee #gailatkinsoncanadaresearchchairinearthquakehazards #ryanschultzstanforddoerrschoolofsustainability #carboncaptureandstorage #grantfergusonuniversityofsaskatchewan #AlbertaEnergyRegulator #carmenlangeralberta #StanfordUniversity #bcenergyregulator #EarthquakesCanada #gordonritchierbc #PeaceRiver
New Yorker: The Marvellous Boys of Palo Alto https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/the-marvellous-boys-of-palo-alto #NewYorker #StanfordUniversity #Books/UnderReview #SamBankman-Fried #California #BookReview #PaloAlto #Tech
#newyorker #StanfordUniversity #books #SamBankman #california #bookreview #paloalto #Tech
“Rising Above the Gathering Storm” refers to making sure that a lack of high-quality #STEMeducation doesn’t sink the American 🇺🇸 economy.
The warnings and mitigations in this plenary lecture by #StanfordUniversity ‘s Dick Zare at the 2008 #SERMACS meeting in #Nashville still apply today! 👉 https://zarelab.com/articles-presentations/rising-above-the-gathering-storm-rags-redux-from-rags-to-plenary-lecture-presented-at-sermacs-on-11-14-2008/
#stemeducation #StanfordUniversity #sermacs #nashville
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 'Boy Meets World' Star Ben Savage Is Running for Congress https://jezebel.com/ben-savage-congress-adam-schiff-1850195547 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #stanforduniversity #diannefeinstein #matthewlawrence #boymeetsworld #ronaldreagan #arlenspecter #adamschiff #bensavage #politics #savage #actors #cory
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #arnoldschwarzenegger #StanfordUniversity #diannefeinstein #matthewlawrence #boymeetsworld #RonaldReagan #arlenspecter #adamschiff #bensavage #politics #savage #actors #Cory
«It's a Festivus Debunking!» - by Adrian Daub. Dissects the problems with a recent WSJ article saying that #StanfordUniversity had issued a list of English words & terms to avoid. Daub give a great overview of his #FactChecking process. Yes, there’s a list. But it’s not an official list, etc.
#StanfordUniversity #FactChecking
Having access to the Stanford Law School faculty will probably be handy over the course of many months.
#cryptocurrency #fraud #StanfordLawSchool #StanfordUniversity #FTX
#ftx #StanfordUniversity #stanfordlawschool #fraud #cryptocurrency
Sam Bankman-Fried’s Parents Under Scrutiny in FTX Collapse https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/12/technology/sbf-parents-ftx-collapse.html #HKFTXTradingLtd(FuturesExchange) #ContentType:PersonalProfile #CollegesandUniversities #ComputersandtheInternet #NonprofitOrganizations #Fried,Barbara(1951-) #StanfordUniversity #LawandLegislation #Bankman-Fried,Sam #VirtualCurrency #Bankman,Joseph #Philanthropy #Bankruptcies #LawSchools
#HKFTXTradingLtd #ContentType #CollegesandUniversities #ComputersandtheInternet #NonprofitOrganizations #Fried #StanfordUniversity #LawandLegislation #Bankman #VirtualCurrency #Philanthropy #Bankruptcies #LawSchools
How the Apple Archive Ended Up at Stanford
#Apple #History #Library #Archive #StanfordUniversity
#StanfordUniversity #archive #library #history #apple
Dr Adi Foord is a research astrophysicist at Stanford University, currently studying black holes and x-ray activity in space. You can follow at:
➡️ @AdiFoord
Foord has a website at https://www.adifoord.com and also a space-themed Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/XtraGalacticStitches
#AdiFoord #Science #Scientist #Scientists #Academic #Astronomy #Astrophysics #Astrophysicist #Cosmology #Space #XRays #XRay #BlackHoles #BlackHole #Chandra #Observatory #Research #Stanford #StanfordUniversity
#StanfordUniversity #stanford #research #observatory #chandra #blackhole #blackholes #xray #xrays #space #cosmology #Astrophysicist #astrophysics #astronomy #academic #Scientists #scientist #science #AdiFoord
Dr. Andrew Huberman does not look like a Professor of Neuroscience at Stanford, he looks like a CrossFit coach.
Proof that people are not always what they seem.
#StanfordUniversity #hubermanLab #AndrewHuberman