Why does Starfleet have time travel protocols in the #StarTrekSNW era?
In the original pilot, and in the excerpt we see in TOS, one of the Enterprise crew tells the colonists that the time barrier had been broken.
They know the warp drive can have temporal effects already. I bet early warp drives resulted in all kinds of weird causality problems (IIRC, we know one reason FTL isn’t really possible has to do with light speed causality stuff).
That would be an interesting show, I bet.
Holy crap! The Season 2 Episode 5 (Charades) of Star Trek Strange New Worlds is freaking awesome. Love it so much! #Sn2Ep5 #Charades #StarTrek #StarTrekSNW
#StarTrekSNW #startrek #charades #sn2ep5
The daily listen to the soundtrack.
#BruceHorak as singing General Garkog is awesome!
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrekSNW #StarTrek
#brucehorak #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW #startrek
Star Trek #StrangeNewWorlds did a couple of really unique episodes in its second season.
I really never thought I’d see a live action / animated Trek crossover or a musical episode.
Which makes me wonder about something else I previously figured I’d never see (except for comic books).
A Star Trek / Doctor Who crossover. I now feel like it’s totally possible that we’d see this in the near future.
#StrangeNewWorlds #startrek #StarTrekSNW #doctorwho
In the #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds episode "Subspace Rhapsody", who had the best singing voice?
#StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrekSNW #StarTrek
5) Jess Bush
6) Ethan Peck
7) Paul Wesley
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW #startrek
Current earworm.🖖
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrekSNW #StarTrek
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW #startrek
#StarTrekSNW went to all that trouble to make a musical pun out of Spock trying to solve his breakup like algebra, only to "correct" it in the #captions? What the hell?!
The song is *literally* called "I'm the X"
#tv #startrek #captions #StarTrekSNW
Ended my daily gym workout listening to this song. And, as a side note, also woke up with this song in my head.
Good way to start a Friday.
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #StrangeNewWorlds #StarTrekSNW #StarTrek
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW #startrek
Ich finde #StarTrekSNW großartig und auch die Special Effects sind schön anzusehen. Nur der Maschinenraum, der besonders groß wirken soll wirkt irgendwie so unglaublich künstlich und "beengt". Gefühlt gibt es da nur zwei Kameraeinstellungen. Da hätte ein kleines bisschen weniger #LEDVolume vielleicht doch ganz gut getan.
Maybe we'll see some chompers in Season 3 of #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds.
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #galaxyquest #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW #startrek
@joewynne @SesameSquirrel @bmerer I loathe #TheWayToEden
I believe #SubspaceRhapsody is Trek’s apology for The Way to Eden.
54 years later.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekSNW #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds
#thewaytoeden #subspacerhapsody #allstartrek #startrektos #StarTrekSNW #startrek #StrangeNewWorlds
I saved the #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds Season 2 "Ready Room" episodes for watching after Season 2 was complete. It helps ease the transition to no new Star Trek episodes until September 7.
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #startrek #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW
Name a character you hope to see in #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds Season 3.
I'll start....George Kirk.
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #startrek #strangenewworlds #StarTrekSNW
In der aktuellen Q&N-Ausgabe ziehen @schuchti & @Guardian ein kurzes Fazit zu #StarTrekSNW. Außerdem sprechen wir über den #Hollywood-Streik, kulinarische Leckerbissen für Nerds, neues Spielzeug aus den 80ern, das Image von #Hannover und zwei große Jubiläen.
#hannover #hollywood #StarTrekSNW
Hope we get a season 3.
You know, seems to me like there's this thing you can do where you beam someone up then cancel where you are beaming them and keep them in the pattern buffer that might be helpful here.
Think I saw them do that in season 1... and season 2... and Scotty did it in TNG, IIRC....
#StarTrekSNW #StrangeNewWorlds
Pick your favorite #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds couple from Season 2.
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #startrek #StarTrekSNW #strangenewworlds
Which #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds Season finale did you enjoy more?
#StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds #startrek #StarTrekSNW #strangenewworlds