Wookie Kindergarten. #grickledoodle #wookies #kindergarten #starwars #cartoon #art #drawing #funny
#Funny #Drawing #Art #Cartoon #StarWars #Kindergarten #Wookies #grickledoodle
Darts Vader. #grickledoodle #darts #darthvader #starwars #cartoon #art #drawing #funny
#Funny #Drawing #Art #Cartoon #StarWars #DarthVader #darts #grickledoodle
A “Lewk, I’m your father” is a fashion opinion that makes the recipient/wearer say, “NOOOoooo~!!!”
Hey Sabine -
Maybe don't trust that dark Jedi dude with the map of those galaxies. Just sayin'.
#hashitout #HashtagGames #ahsoka #StarWars #giveafictionalcharacteradvice
X-Wing für Leute mit dem nötigen Kleingeld...
What do you think Ahsoka was up to during the Original Trilogy? Settling down with Lux Bonterri? In a coma? Helping ____ on some far off distant planet?
It’s impressive how immediately we switched from crazy Marrok theories to crazy Anakin theories
Check out the latest Rebel Force Radio aftershow for some commentary on Ahsoka episode 4:
🚨New Episode🚨
My interview with the legendary Vanessa Marshall is now up!
Come listen to us talk about #StarWars, #WonderWoman, #MortalKombat, #YoungJustice, & a whole bunch of other stuff.
Thumbnail artwork by Donald Kirby.
Episode links:
Direct download:
Donald Kirby's website:
#youngjustice #mortalkombat #wonderwoman #StarWars
Last week I had heard about some Ahsoka special that was coming to Disney+ this week - and it's out now (https://www.disneyplus.com/movies/master-apprentice-a-special-look-at-ahsoka/22DJliq6gMYD) .... however it's the exact same thing that was released on YT three and a half weeks ago: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=btMQUq7kDuk.
I don't know why they decided to release on both, at least they could have merely teased and then only had on Disney+. But the special is not substantial in the least and reveals nothing new, not much bts footage either
A cool 1 hour interview with Taylor Gray from April 2023: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=rO-Zmo8xTIw
#taylorgray #ezrabridger #starwarsrebels #StarWars
....futile. Morgan just ignored their attack as being useless.
And the big reveal at the end....Anakin Skywalker (I know the de-aging will probably be a big deal with some people, but I'm fine with it). Is Ahsoka in some type of Force spirit realm?
I have high expectations for next week's episode.
....together. You always did better that way, in my opinion".
The Ahsoka/Baylan lightsaber battle is the best sequence of the episode. Watching these two square off is the big payoff in this episode. However, Ahsoka touching the map weakened her enough to give Baylan the upper hand, ending in her falling off the cliff edge! WTH!
The sequence with Hera and her X-Wing squadron going after the Hyperspace Ring seemed somewhat....
...."Experience". Baylan is good at getting right to the point.
Huyang is a surprisingly good fighter. Even after taking a few punches to the face, he kept on fighting.
Ahsoka and Sabine compliment each other well while fighting off the bad guys during the droid fight. Sabine may not be that talented in the use of the Force, but she definitely has mad fighting skills as a Mandalorian. Huyang realizes they need each other...."Stay....