Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, il nuovo aggiornamento migliora le prestazioni su console e aggiunge il DLSS su PC
#electronicarts #respawnentertainment #StarWarsJediSurvivor
Completely Unaware
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #photomode #virtualphotography
#virtualphotography #photomode #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #gaming
A View from Above
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #photomode #virtualphotography
#virtualphotography #photomode #starwars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #gaming
Réussir à foirer à ce point le fight avec Dark Vador, fallait le faire
#Gaming #AAAGaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #EA
Star Wars Jedi Suvivor soll laut EA noch Versionen für die alte Konsolengeneration (namentlich PS4 und Xbox One) bekommen.
Lol😅 Wie soll das Game denn darauf laufen? Schon auf dem PC ist die Technik ein Trauerspiel und auf den Current Konsolen läuft es auch nur dank stark verringerter Auflösung und Bildrate halbwegs rund.
Also entweder muss EA das extrem gut optimieren oder die Grafik massiv downgraden (wahrscheinlich ist sogar beides nötig)
#gaming #AAAGaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #ea
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor uscirà su PS4 e Xbox One
#electronicarts #respawnentertainment #StarWarsJediSurvivor
Merrin at Work
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #jedi
#jedi #starwars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming
Keep up, Jedi
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedisurvivor #JediSurvivor #StarWarsJediSurvivor
#StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming
The Desert Ghost
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars
#starwars #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming
Bon #StarWarsJediSurvivor commence pas mal. On reprend vite en main le perso, l'univers est toujours bien respecté (les ambiances sonores 😍) et on retrouve ce petit rien d'agacement sur certains bossfight
Seeking Wisdom
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#starwarsjedisurvivor #jedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #stsrwars #jedi #merrin
#merrin #jedi #stsrwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #JediSurvivor #StarWarsJediSurvivor
Painful Memories
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #photomodemonday
#photomodemonday #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Bringing the Heat
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars
#starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Merrin's New Movies
Game: Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography
#virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Ich bin kein echter Vegetarier oder gar Veganer. Allerdings esse ich mittlerweile sehr wenig Fleisch. Eigentlich nur bei sozialen Gelegenheiten, wo es nicht anders ohne Konflikte oder Verwerfungen geht.
Dass ich mich jetzt durch eine „Unterstadt-Fleischfabrik“ metzeln muss, geht mir daher sehr auf den Keks.
Und das alles sieht zudem sehr… unhygienisch aus. Imperium auf Coruscant halt. 😵💫
Trading Blows
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #photomodemonday #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #photomodemonday #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Here it comes...
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #jedi #starwars #calkestis
#calkestis #starwars #jedi #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor
Soaking in the Scenery
Game: Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Platform: PC
#jedisurvivor #starwarsjedisurvivor #gaming #photomode #virtualphotography #starwars #jedi #virtualsightseers
#virtualsightseers #jedi #starwars #virtualphotography #photomode #gaming #StarWarsJediSurvivor #JediSurvivor