Favourite #BoardGames based on movies:
#NakatomiHeist, the Die Hard Board Game
#RiskStarWarsEdition (not really Risk, but they put Risk on the box)
#boardgames #jaws #bigtroubleinlittlechina #nakatomiheist #StarWarsRebellion #riskstarwarsedition #aliensanothergloriousdayinthecorps
When Jedi Luke Skywalker won a battle against an army led by Emperor Palptine he fulfilled the Return of the Jedi card, getting me the last 2 points needed to win the game. 3/3 #boardgames #StarWarsRebellion
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion
But Imperial ground forces were spread thin, so the Rebel soldiers at my final Yavin base were able turn back a solitary invading AT-AT, even while a Super Star Destroyer loomed overhead. Lando was clearly the MVP because he led an Independent Operation, forcibly evacuating all the Imperial ground troops from the one place that could have provided reinforcements to destroy my base! 2/3
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion
My partner and I played another epic game of Star Wars: Rebellion! The Empire found my base very early on with some well-placed probe droids and a successful interrogation of a rebel leader (who was frozen in carbonite…). After I relocated they were quickly able to re-find me - the secret rebel base’s location was not much of a secret.
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion @boardgames
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion
During my birthday vacation I also took a break from boardgames. Now, back in business, I was in the mood of a heavy game, and the choice was #StarWarsRebellion I really enjoyed it! It is such an engaging game.
Gave Star Wars Rebellion a spin this week. Daunting at first but we picked up the rules pretty quick, now just to figure out strategy ...! #StarWarsRebellion #boardgames #boardgaymer #boredgamesandwine #deathstar
#StarWarsRebellion #boardgames #boardgaymer #boredgamesandwine #deathstar
Ein fast komplettes Neuheitenwochenende: Atiwa, Star Wars Rebellion, Woodcraft, Tiletum & Robin Hood - Bruder Tuck in Gefahr.
Da kann es regnen, so lange es will🤣
#_tante_tiffy_ #acoupleofboardgames #brettspiel #spielen #boardgames #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grübellähmung #atiwa #uwerosenberg #vladimírsuchy #woodcraft #starwarsrebellion #coreykonieczka #Tiletum #simoneluciani #danieltascini #michaelmenzel #robinhood #brudertuckingefahr
#_tante_tiffy_ #acoupleofboardgames #Brettspiel #spielen #boardgames #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grubellahmung #Atiwa #UweRosenberg #vladimirsuchy #woodcraft #StarWarsRebellion #coreykonieczka #tiletum #simoneluciani #danieltascini #MichaelMenzel #robinhood #brudertuckingefahr
In Folge 39 von @tabulaludo berichten wir über das Katz-und-Maus-Spiel das @fizzblizz und ich uns in #StarWarsRebellion geliefert haben.
Von und mit @fizzblizz und @mad_jump
#brettspiele #brettspielsüchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek
#boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglücklich #brettspielabend #boardgamesnightandday #boardgamer
#podcast #brettspielpodcast
#StarWarsRebellion #brettspiele #brettspielsuchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglucklich #brettspielabend #boardgamesnightandday #boardgamer #podcast #brettspielpodcast
Zum Jahreswechsel wurde es episch. Zum ersten Mal kam Star Wars Rebellion. Die Rebellen versuchen, das Imperium zu stürzen. Das wiederum will den geheimen Rebellenstützpunkt finden & zerstören.
Am Ende konnte das Imperium in der finalen Schlacht den Sieg davontragen.
Denkwürdig war der Moment, als Chewbacca den Verlockungen der dunklen Seite erlag.
#_tante_tiffy_ #boardgameplayer #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grübellähmung #starwars #starwarsrebellion #ffg
#_tante_tiffy_ #boardgameplayer #analogeunterhaltung #analsysparalysis #grubellahmung #starwars #StarWarsRebellion #FFG
Reply with five of your favourite #boardgames. I’ll go first:
#StarWarsRebellion (as you can tell from my banner pic)
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion #TokyoHighway #azul #JustOne #lehavre
Still love this game #StarWarsRebellion #StarWarsSupremacy #RetroGaming
#RetroGaming #StarWarsSupremacy #StarWarsRebellion
[waves hand 👋] This is not the rebel whisky you're looking for ☺
#boardgames #StarWarsRebellion #starwars #whisky #scotch