Finally got around to completing the single-player campaign for EA Motive’s excellent ‘Star Wars: Squadrons’. Really enjoyed this game, especially the astonishingly detailed ships (inside and out), exciting space combat and entertaining story. It certainly brought back fond memories of LucasArts’ legendary X-Wing and TIE Fighter games from the ‘90s. Highly recommended. #StarWars #StarWarsSquadrons
#Gaming 2022 🎮
What videogames did you play this year?
#PS5 #GhostOfTsushima #Cyberpunk2077 #DiscoElysium #HorizonForbiddenWest #StarWarsSquadrons #GodofWarRagnarok
#gaming #ps5 #ghostoftsushima #cyberpunk2077 #DiscoElysium #HorizonForbiddenWest #StarWarsSquadrons #GodOfWarRagnarok
-PS4 Backlog X, ○, △, □-
• #Rage2
• #HomefrontTheRevolution
• #ShenmueIII #Shenmue3
• #Biomutant
• #Godfall
• #DeusExMankindDivided
• #MetroRedux #Metro2033 #MetroLastLight
• #Nioh & #Nioh2
• #Doom3
• #StarWarsSquadrons
• #MassEffectLegendaryEdition
#MassEffectLegendaryEdition #StarWarsSquadrons #doom3 #Nioh2 #nioh #metrolastlight #metro2033 #metroredux #deusexmankinddivided #GodFall #BIOMUTANT #shenmue3 #shenmueiii #homefronttherevolution #rage2
Merry Christmas: To celebrate #Christmas we've covered the Millennium Falcon gate guardian in 80,085 fairy lights!
It took 71.75 Super Army Soldiers just 80,081.35 hours to put the lights in position
Photographed from a Canberra #StarWarsSquadrons #IveGotABadFeelingAboutThis
#christmas #StarWarsSquadrons #ivegotabadfeelingaboutthis
Here are #7GamesToKnowMe. The "what i'm playing now and recently" list:
1. #StarCitizen
2. #Borderlands3
3. #Outriders
4. #TheDivision2
5. #Cyberpunk2077
6. #SniperGhostWarrior3
7. #StarWarsSquadrons
#StarWarsSquadrons #sniperghostwarrior3 #Cyberpunk2077 #thedivision2 #outriders #borderlands3 #starcitizen #7gamestoknowme
@fringemagnet I remember I bought #StarWarsSquadrons on release and was blown away. It was just an incredible #VR experience - like climbing into the cockpit of the X-Wing from Star Wars: X-Wing game which I played 30 years ago. What a rush! Every gamer needs to experience this in VR.
Shortly after that that #EliteDangerous was offered free on the Epic Store and I, who never heard of it before that, finallly got a taste of a "realistic" 6 degrees of freedom spaceship simulation in VR... WOW!!
#StarWarsSquadrons #vr #elitedangerous
Star Wars: Squadrons: Free in the Epic Game Store until 1st December - #StarWars #FanthaTracks #starwarssquadrons
#starwars #FanthaTracks #StarWarsSquadrons
Electronic Arts and Epic Games are giving away free copies of Star Wars: Squadrons on Epic Games Store. #StarWarsSquadrons
STAR WARS: Squadrons está gratuito até ao dia 1 de dezembro.
#epicgames #starwarssquadrons
Dogfighting in a galaxy far, far away!
Star Wars: Squadrons Is Free On The Epic Games Store For One Week
#StarWarsSquadrons #free #epicgamesstore #PC #gaming
#StarWarsSquadrons is currently free on #EpicStore for a limited time.
If you are on Steam Deck, reminder that you can use #Lutris and #HeroicGamesLauncher for your games on platforms other than Steam.
#StarWarsSquadrons #epicstore #lutris #heroicgameslauncher #pcgaming #games #gaming #freegames
Star Wars: Squadrons está gratuito para PC
Resgate uma cópia agora na Loja #EpicGames, pelo aplicativo para Windows, ou pelo seu navegador (link abaixo):
#StarWarsSquadrons pode ser resgatado grátis, até dia 1 de Dezembro!
when the free game of this week on #EpicStore is one that you bought at a heavy discount last year yet it was not free and you could have waited one more year to play it for free.
Another 4k Star Wars wallpaper.
The Quasar-Fire class isn't the most feared ship in the Imperial navy ... or the fastest ... or the best looking ... or the most heavily-armed. Despite all that, I can't help staring at it.
#4kwallpaper #blender3d #StarWarsSquadrons #starwars
Rock Paper Shotgun: The next #EpicGamesStore #free #videogame is #StarWarsSquadrons. / #StarWars
#starwars #StarWarsSquadrons #videogame #free #epicgamesstore
New post on my personnal website about a really really really good book ! :steel_type:
#book #sciencefiction #robots #modelling
#modelkit #StarWarsSquadrons #startrek #LincolnWright #AKinteractive
#AKinteractive #LincolnWright #startrek #StarWarsSquadrons #modelkit #modelling #robots #sciencefiction #book
Hey, would you please update #StarWarsSquadrons
to the latest #EAC SDK and set the checkmark to support #Linux and #SteamDeck with #Proton?
I enjoyed the singleplayer campaign already on Linux in #VR and would like to play multiplayer too
#StarWarsSquadrons #eac #linux #SteamDeck #vr #proton
#StarWarsSquadrons #04 - These aren’t the droids you’re looking for #Linux #VR #ModMic #xrdesktop #twitch
#StarWarsSquadrons #linux #vr #ModMic #xrdesktop #twitch