Is it ironic that retailers offer us "loyalty points" that expire? They demand our loyalty and at the same time make it clear that this is not a reciprocal agreement. Wow! #retail #greed #opentable #starbucks #mcdonalds
#retail #greed #opentable #Starbucks #mcdonalds
Vietnamese #coffee fan: #Starbucks “bland and not very coffee-flavoured”… ‘traditional Vietnamese [filter] coffee “is stronger and more fragrant”
I really just wanted to try the new #BlackPink beverage. I got suckered into buying a pink tumbler too. 😄
It's quite good. 😋👍
#lunch #food #Starbucks #Philippines
#blackpink #Lunch #food #Starbucks #Philippines
“In the last year, judges have ruled that Starbucks violated U.S. labor laws more than 130 times across six states, among the most of any private employer nationwide. The rulings found that Starbucks retaliated against union supporters by surveilling them at work, firing them and promising them improved pay and benefits if they rejected the organizing campaign.”
#Starbucks #union #labor #coffee
Starbucks má zaplatit 25,6 milionů dolarů své bývalé zaměstnankyni. Vyhodili ji kvůli tomu, že je bílá
#Starbucks #soud #rasismus
Ahhh, so *that°’s why #Starbucks has been removing indoor seating.
A nearby Starbucks (Mathilda & Duane in Sunnyvale) removed all their indoor seating I think last year, and I thought it was because of the pandemic. But now that I think about it, it’s probably because of the number of unhoused people who come in and charge their phones each day.
“This SF Starbucks' seating was removed. Employees think they know why.”
A whole 4 hours?! Don't bust your ass too hard there, buddy.
#Starbucks #CEO #Laxman #Narasimhan told employees Thursday that he’ll work a half day every month at one of the coffee giant’s locations.
#Starbucks #ceo #laxman #narasimhan
Corporate #BS requires that users possess a certain type of device to access a webpage.
#webdesign #a11y #baddesign #Starbucks #starbucksrewards #starbucksboycott #deviceneutrality #mobilecomputing #poorux
#bs #webdesign #a11y #baddesign #Starbucks #starbucksrewards #starbucksboycott #deviceneutrality #mobilecomputing #poorux
So… just for curiosity, and skepticism, I tried some #OliveOil in black #coffee (no milk or cream) this morning, according to a new concept offered in limited #Starbucks abroad in Italy.
Many articles on the topic question if it’s healthy, but my immediate question was if it’s tasteful and pleasing?
My answer: see comments
#food #beverage
#oliveoil #coffee #Starbucks #food #beverage
TIL pre-bottled #starbucks frappuccinos on store shelves are made by #pepsi. apparently the #vanilla ones are being recalled for contamination
TIL pre-bottled #starbucks frappucinos on store shelves are made by #pepsi. apparently the #vanilla ones are being recalled for contamination
A #Starbucks accessible only to cast members is tucked inside #Disneyland — but there's one spot in the park where you can see it.
#Starbucks #Disneyland #disney #coffee #california #losangeles
The Life and Homegoing of Tyre Nichols | #fairfieldcounty2cconnecticut #statesoftheunitedstates #dezmondsinclair #angelinapaxton #benjamincrump #anthonynealjr #austinroberts #natespatesjr #tyrenichols #connecticut #keyanadixon #alsharpton #ryanwilson #starbucks #nichols #spates #fedex #biden #wells #neal
#fairfieldcounty2cconnecticut #statesoftheunitedstates #dezmondsinclair #angelinapaxton #benjamincrump #anthonynealjr #austinroberts #natespatesjr #tyrenichols #connecticut #keyanadixon #alsharpton #ryanwilson #Starbucks #nichols #spates #fedex #Biden #wells #Neal
The complaint alleges that workers at an #EastBay #Starbucks location were threatened with penalties for participating in a #unionization drive.
It also says that Starbucks managers implied that workers’ organizing activities were under surveillance—and they could be rewarded with additional benefits if they abstained from unionizing.
#Labor #LaborLaw #News #BayArea #LocalNews #Union
#EastBay #Starbucks #unionization #labor #laborlaw #news #bayarea #localnews #union
@thom @skinnylatte - ‘I’ll have a “deci-Venti” espresso please…’ - has a nice ring to it. #metric #starbucks
One of those rare days when I crave a mid afternoon coffee. But Starbucks is on a 3 day #strike and I’m not crossing a picket line
Maybe I should take some boba tea to my local #Starbucks in solidarity