clickbait title: #Starfield > #NoMansSky … FIGHT ME
Hubby and I already own and like No Man's Sky. And we haven't played in a long time; there's been enough updates to make it almost a new game. So naturally we wonder whether to give Starfield a try versus firing up the game we already have. I think we only need one game that scratches that itch.
Baldur's Gate 3 is currently at the top of our dance card, so mostly asking because curious and tiny bit of FOMO feels.
Starfield rockets past Skyrim’s concurrent players record on Steam - #TheElderScrollsV:Skyrim #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaGameStudios #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Thirdperson #OpenWorld #Starfield #Fallout4 #Shooter #Xbox360 #XboxOne #PS4 #RPG #PS3 #PC
#pc #ps3 #rpg #ps4 #xboxone #xbox360 #Fallout4 #Starfield #openworld #thirdperson #firstperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #bethesdagamestudios #shooter #TheElderScrollsV
The art of the pause - #Strategy:Turn-BasedStrategy #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaGameStudios #Birdview/Isometric #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #Baldur'sGateIII #Supportersonly #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #LarianStudios #SinglePlayer #Fullproduct #Firstperson #OpenWorld #Starfield #Strategy #Fantasy #PS5 #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #ps5 #fantasy #Starfield #openworld #firstperson #fullproduct #singleplayer #larianstudios #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #Supportersonly #baldur #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #birdview #bethesdagamestudios #shooter #multiplayercompetitive #multiplayercooperative #strategy
Bethesda plan official Starfield mod support for release in 2024 - #BethesdaGameStudios #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaSoftworks #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #OpenWorld #Starfield #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #Starfield #openworld #firstperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #bethesdasoftworks #shooter #bethesdagamestudios
Running #starfield buttersmooth in UHD on an AMD setup from #airgpu .
I am convinced since Stadia - no more need for local and expensive hardware for a few hours gaming during the month.
#Starfield #ニコニコ動画 #youtube #けぃしーのPCゲーム紹介
Ah, Bethesda. Your weird glitches continue.
My #Starfield companion's head is now invisible.
Kinda disconcerting as she's my main companion.
Currently fannying about trying to find a fix.
Starfield's rotoscoped animated advert pokes fun at hoarding players - #BethesdaGameStudios #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaSoftworks #ActionAdventure #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Blockbuster #Firstperson #Microsoft #OpenWorld #Starfield #Shooter #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #Starfield #openworld #microsoft #firstperson #blockbuster #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #ActionAdventure #bethesdasoftworks #shooter #bethesdagamestudios
Le dialogue prévu par le jeu ne voulait pas se lancer... donc j'ai "préparé le terrain" pour le combat :3 #Starfield #JeuVideo #JeuxVideo
#Starfield #jeuvideo #jeuxvideo
Starfield overtakes Skyrim and Fallout to become Bethesda’s 'biggest game launch of all time' - #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaGameStudios #BethesdaSoftworks #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Starfield #OpenWorld #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #openworld #Starfield #firstperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #bethesdasoftworks #bethesdagamestudios #shooter
Starfield PC performance and the best settings to use - #BethesdaGameStudios #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaSoftworks #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #OpenWorld #Starfield #Hardware #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #hardware #Starfield #openworld #firstperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #bethesdasoftworks #shooter #bethesdagamestudios
Thomas The Tank Engine has already been made into a ship in Starfield - #Shooter:FirstPerson #BethesdaGameStudios #BethesdaSoftworks #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #Starfield #Microsoft #OpenWorld #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #openworld #microsoft #Starfield #firstperson #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #sciencefiction #bethesdasoftworks #bethesdagamestudios #shooter
Actual #Starfield thing:
"Because you accidentally picked up an un-tended vacuum-packet of beef-flavored Chunk, and were not allowed to put it back down, we think you're _just_ the hard-bitten criminal snake we need to infiltrate the pirate fleet instead of paying off your 34 credit fine." 😂
Daniel Pook spielt... #Starfield! Lasst euch von Beginn bis Ende in #Podcast-Form Folge für Folge nacherzählen, wie der seinerzeit designierte #AreaGames-Fallout-Cheftester das neue #Bethesda-#Game erlebt, auf die Art nebenher detailreich in lebendigem, sich lange entwickelndem Prozess rezensiert.
Fast 3 Std. Prolog mit #HDR-#Drama gibt's zum Start jetzt hier kostenlos:
#Podcasts #Games #Videospiel #Weltraum #Review #Spieletest #Test #Kritik
#Starfield #podcast #areagames #bethesda #game #hdr #drama #podcasts #games #videospiel #weltraum #review #spieletest #test #Kritik
Good news, it's free on Xbox game pass. Bad news, I find it very boring
#Starfield #xbox #GamePass #videogames
#Starfield #xbox #GamePass #videogames
Oh, another thing about #Starfield: Accessibility or rather the lack of it. The only concession is subtitles and that's pretty much it. In Audio, there's no mono option, one that's pretty much standard these days. For the visually impaired there's only larger menu fonts. Compared to other AAA titles and even many AA and indie games, this is abysmal.
#Starfield Look, if you didn't want your ship stolen you shouldn't have parked something with such a massive cargo storage stat where I could get to it.
#Starfield tip: if you need to make some pretty easy money, you can sell your planetary survey data. Every planet or moon or whatever that you scan 100% creates a data pad item in your character inventory. I bought a warship after completing a scan of the moons of Saturn and Uranus