GenCon 2023 Keynote
Leider schaffe ich nur eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte.
Die Pathfinder und Starfinder Society Produkte (also alles was das "Organized Play" betrifft) werden ab September zeitglich auch auf Foundry VTT erscheinen. Es wird zwei Versionen geben, eine "abgespeckte" mit Token und Karten und eine mit allen Journaleinträgen, so das man das PDF nicht mehr benötigt.
Er w
#PaizoNews #Remaster #Starfinder
#paizonews #remaster #Starfinder
I just might have to buy a Box of #Pathfinder first instead of #Starfinder after all.
The fact that Paizo decided to create The Gap for #Starfinder does admittedly depress me, but also brings up existentialist questions, like how much meaning of our lives matter once the memories of us are all gone?
As interesting as #Starfinder sounds, I got a bit annoyed by some podcasters creating hyper competent hero characters lacking flaws.
The crew of the B.S Confidence caught at least one Nulchamon and are now technically qualified to be Glatic Champions, now to head back home. What could possibly go wrong? #starfinder #actualplay #tabletop #ttrpg
#Starfinder #actualplay #tabletop #ttrpg
I like the concept of this, instead of trained characters going on heroic missions, their jobs are vacation oriented. #Starfinder
Guess I’ll wait until the end of the year after all. #Starfinder
The #Starfinder Galactic Magic book has a nice bit of #disablity representation on it. Or, it did before they changed the cover.
That being said, this is a terrible “chair” in that it’s user would have a terrible time sitting through most human sized doors. It’s ridiculously wide and tall for no apparent reason.
@KeithDEdinburgh your description makes me want to play #Starfinder NOW and I don‘t even like mathfinder in space. You have a great evening. LASERS! mighty explosions! Bring it on
#Starfinder has Uplifted Telepathic Bears and an Empathetic Otter Civilization, why do people still care about DnD and its clones?
So he’s like #Mercury in the #Saturn ruled Signs.
#Starfinder #PopCulturePaganism #Abadar #Pathfinder #Astrology #Capricorn #Aquarius
#mercury #saturn #Starfinder #popculturepaganism #abadar #pathfinder #astrology #Capricorn #aquarius
Other than #Starfinder, what other #SpaceOpera #SpaceFantasy #ScienceFantasy type of Tabletop #RPG Games should I know about that are NOT based on ANY Franchises?
#Starfinder #spaceopera #spacefantasy #sciencefantasy #rpg
Kotaku: Pathfinder Developer Bans AI Art, Takes A Hard Stance #gaming #tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #communicationsworkersofamerica #starfinderroleplayinggame #artificialintelligence #draft3ajessicaprice #activisionblizzard #dungeons26dragons #roleplayinggames #paizopublishing #humanbehavior #pathfinder #starfinder #articles #labor
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #communicationsworkersofamerica #starfinderroleplayinggame #artificialintelligence #draft3ajessicaprice #ActivisionBlizzard #dungeons26dragons #RolePlayingGames #paizopublishing #humanbehavior #pathfinder #Starfinder #articles #labor
@zeitiger Aufsteller und Flipmats lassen sich tatsächlich in vielen Abenteuern recyclen- und der Aionenthron, die Toten Sonnen sind fertige Abenteuer, während Nahes All, Paktwelten u.a. Anregungen für mehr eigene Abenteuer bieten. Natürlich ist das für #Starfinder nicht so viel wie für #Pathfinder, aber mehr aus deutsch als für mehrere Free League SF Spiele zusammen.
Gerade gibt es das #ScienceFiction Spiel #Starfinder in einer großen Rabattaktion - das umfangreiche Grundregelwerk oder die digitale Einsteigerbox etwa für nur je 5€
Wer sich mit dem Gedanken getragen hat, einzusteigen (oder die #pnpde Sammlung zu vervollständigen) sollte jetzt zuschlagen!
#sciencefiction #Starfinder #pnpde
As an ignorant n00b:
#Starfinder looks like the most interesting #RPG to me so far, but my current concern is how to find a online only group I won’t have to shell out $ to play, and I’m willing to buy the whole box.
"Slam to Brainpan", "Face-Melt"... More fun with crits 😄 #Starfinder #pnp #d20 #CriticalHit
#Starfinder #pnp #d20 #CriticalHit
RT @OnCallGm
Seems like a big resurgence of interest in #Starfinder. Like my Pathfinder co-workers, I wanted to answer some questions about how to get into Starfinder.
So get ready for an overview of our unique science-fantasy setting. Strap on in, and share if you can! 🧵 1/13
This is exactly what Hasbro/#WotC was banking on. By bullying all the little publishers and usurping their market share.
Paizo does not believe that the OGL 1.0a can be “deauthorized,” ever. While we are prepared to argue that point in a court of law if need be, we don’t want to have to do that, and we know that many of our fellow publishers are not in a position to do so.
#ttrpg #dnd #opendnd #ogl #paizo #pathfinder #starfinder
#Starfinder #pathfinder #paizo #ogl #opendnd #dnd #ttrpg