I'm rewatching #StargateUniverse and I just realized that it's essentially a remake of Lost in Space against a #Stargate backdrop and with a bunch of extra characters tossed in for flavor. Wray and Young are the mom and dad. Rush is Dr. Smith. Eli is the smart kid that Dr. Smith takes under his wing. There's even the cute young romantic couple in Lt. Scott and Chloe Armstrong.
About the only thing that is missing is a robot that shouts **DANGER**
We have finished #stargate and #StargateUniverse, including the comic. SGU was something completely different but great in its own way. Now what? #silo?
#silo #StargateUniverse #stargate
We have finished #stargate and #StargateUniverse, including the comic. SGU was something completely different but great in its own way. Now what? #silo?
#silo #StargateUniverse #stargate
I finished making my Stargate Universe quilt top. This was made using reverse appliqué technique. #quilt #reverseapplique #stargate #StargateUniverse #applique #quilting #art
#art #quilting #applique #StargateUniverse #stargate #reverseapplique #quilt
RT @trin66
Ursini! Ursini! Ursini! Minden érdekel, ami a #StargateUniverse-zel kapcsolatos. Telford kalandja többet érdemelt volna! #52WeeksOfStargate #WeWantStargate https://twitter.com/StargateNow_EU/status/1648406311120388096
#WeWantStargate #52weeksofstargate #StargateUniverse
RT @lorenbhollander
Congratulations to Robert C Cooper @UnspeakableCBC on winning the HFA’s Humanitarian Award. You deserve it 👍🏻👍🏻 Congratulations #RobertCCooper #StargateSG1 #StargateUniverse #StargateAtlantis #Unspeakable
#Unspeakable #stargateatlantis #StargateUniverse #stargatesg1 #robertccooper
Here’s a #stargate #concept I sketched up today after playing in #AdobeFirefly I put in the words Star and Gate into it and it generated a image and I used that image as an inspiration for this sketch. I may finish this to color but for now here’s the sketch. @stargatecommand #stargatesg1 #stargateuniverse #stargateatlantis #stargatefan #revivestargate #revivestargatefranchise
#stargate #concept #adobefirefly #stargatesg1 #StargateUniverse #stargateatlantis #stargatefan #revivestargate #revivestargatefranchise
RT @Misty_Melanie@twitter.com
@trin66@twitter.com @cd_BE@twitter.com @StargateNow_EU@twitter.com I voted Nakai too. Perfect excuse to rewatch those episodes! (Not that I need an excuse. Always happy to watch #StargateUniverse 😂)
Totally random comment, but they're actually what I imagine the Furlings to look like. The opposite of furry, lol. Wouldn't that be a shock!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Misty_Melanie/status/1619575694266335232
RT @trin66@twitter.com
@cd_BE@twitter.com @StargateNow_EU@twitter.com I voted Nakai, they are the best #52WeeksOfStargate #WeWantStargate #Stargate #StargateUniverse
#StargateUniverse #stargate #WeWantStargate #52weeksofstargate
You most certainly did, do and will continue to do. Happy birthday @DavidBlue@twitter.com! 🎉 #Stargate #StargateUniverse #WeWantStargate
RT @DavidBlue@twitter.com
to all who have come and gone on my journey all these years, whether you are still in my life or not, I hope you know you left an imprint and I carry you with me always. And I smile at the thought that maybe, just maybe, I did, do, or will do the same for you. ❤️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DavidBlue/status/1615071370127474689
#WeWantStargate #StargateUniverse #stargate
RT @Irena_SG@twitter.com
#52WeeksOfStargate 11/52
Es ist schwer, eine liebste O'Neill-Episode festzumachen, da er ja in etlichen Folgen #StargateSG1 dabei war. Ich habe mich aber immer gefreut, wenn er auch in #StargateAtlantis und #StargateUniverse auftauchte.
#WeWantStargate https://twitter.com/StargateNow_EU/status/1612494470544596993
#WeWantStargate #StargateUniverse #stargateatlantis #stargatesg1 #52weeksofstargate
RT @Irena_SG@twitter.com
#52WeeksOfStargate 11/52
The fact that Jack O'Neill was also in #StargateUniverse was, at least initially, the main reason for me to watch this series.
#WeWantStargate #StargateUniverse #52weeksofstargate
RT @JimKirkwoodJr@twitter.com
Happy birthday Gary Jones, born January 4, 1958.
#garyjones #stargate #stargatesg1 #stargateatlantis #StargateUniverse #Supernatural #linesofcommunication #walterharriman #BigFinish #january4 #birthday #TodayInNerdHistory
More Info
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JimKirkwoodJr/status/1610607983016251393
#todayinnerdhistory #birthday #january4 #bigfinish #walterharriman #linesofcommunication #supernatural #StargateUniverse #stargateatlantis #stargatesg1 #stargate #garyjones
The best part about Stargate Universe
#stargate #StargateUniverse #indeed #delete
...or otherwise connect the story.
It's not like with #Stargate where a #StatusQuo allowed for some good continuity, but kinda as if someone wanted to redo #StargateUniverse without going against the canon...
#StargateUniverse #statusquo #stargate
RT @tarnecki@twitter.com
Happy New Year 2023 everyone! Take care x #StargateNow #sg1 #sga #sgu #stargate #WeWantStargate #stargateatlantis #stargateuniverse #stargatesg1
#stargatesg1 #StargateUniverse #stargateatlantis #WeWantStargate #stargate #sgu #sga #sg1 #stargatenow
RT @SG_Project@twitter.com
Wir blicken mit euch auf das Jahr 2022 zurück. Was waren eure Highlights und auf was hofft ihr, dass das Jahr 2023 für Stargate bringt? https://www.stargate-project.de/der-sg-p-jahresrueckblick-2022 #Stargate #StargateSG1 #StargateAtlantis #StargateUniverse
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SG_Project/status/1609104188335603712
#StargateUniverse #stargateatlantis #stargatesg1 #stargate
I have been watching #StargateUniverse and some of the grit aspects between it and #BattlestarGalactica make me question #sgu dunno. Just rando #thoughts.
#thoughts #sgu #battlestargalactica #StargateUniverse
RT @plvanover88@twitter.com
Happy Birthday Michael Shanks, who played Dr. Daniel Jackson/Thor/Aegir/Ma’chello/the cowardly lion/Penegal/Sovereign Martice/Tryan/Keenin in #StargateSG1, Dr. Daniel Jackson in #StargateAtlantis, #StargateUniverse, “#Stargate: #Continuum”, “Stargate: #TheArkOfTruth”; See more
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/plvanover88/status/1603404125974286351
#thearkoftruth #continuum #stargate #StargateUniverse #stargateatlantis #stargatesg1
RT @StargateITA@twitter.com
Tutto quello che dovete sapere sul #soundtrack bootleg di #stargateuniverse firmato da #joelgoldsmith... https://kryptofilms.altervista.org/blog/un-soundtrack-bootleg-per-stargate-universe/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StargateITA/status/1598670822930907136
#joelgoldsmith #StargateUniverse #Soundtrack