“‘#StopSmarter’ initiative launches at London’s Conway Hall: Campaign group warning of the dangers of #RedTory government and to inform the public about #Starmer’s authoritarianism and ‘murky’ past holds launch event featuring leading left speakers”
via @skwawkbox
“There is, of course, no functional difference – at least for the better – between ‘long-time servant of the security state’ and compulsive promise-breaker Starmer’s red-Toryism and the blue version.”
#StarmerLies #StarmerOut #LabourRacism #LabourBigotry #LabourMisogyny #LabourIslamophobia #LabourFriendsOfApartheid #LabourFriendsOfBigOil #LabourFriendsOfBigBusiness #LabourCorruption #LabourFiles
#stopsmarter #redtory #starmer #starmerlies #StarmerOut #labourracism #labourbigotry #labourmisogyny #labourislamophobia #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourcorruption #LabourFiles
“#Labour figures took £10,000 gifts from #Google and #YouTube ahead of tax U-turn: Keir #Starmer’s Labour Party backtracked on plan to hike #DigitalServicesTax to 10% after being showered with freebies”
by Adam Ramsay in @openDemocracy
“Labour’s shadow business secretary Jonathan Reynolds, his senior parliamentary assistant (who is his wife), and Keir Starmer’s political director all attended Glastonbury festival in June as guests of YouTube, which is owned by Google. Including accommodation and ‘hospitality’, Reynolds estimates his Glastonbury package for two was worth £3,377 – significantly more than the cost of two regular tickets, which were £335 each.
The next day, reports emerged that Labour had ditched its proposal to hike tax on digital businesses like Google.”
#LabourCorruption #LabourLies #LabourHypocrisy #LabourFiles #StarmerLies #StarmerOut #StopStarmer #LabourFriendsOfApartheid #LabourFriendsOfBigOil #LabourFriendsOfBigBusiness #LabourFriendsOfZionism
#LabourRacism #LabourMisogyny #LabourAntiSemitism #LabourIslamophobia
#labour #Google #youtube #starmer #digitalservicestax #labourcorruption #labourlies #labourhypocrisy #LabourFiles #starmerlies #StarmerOut #stopstarmer #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourfriendsofbigoil #labourfriendsofbigbusiness #labourfriendsofzionism #labourracism #labourmisogyny #labourantisemitism #labourislamophobia
“Breaking: @UKLabour suspends [Hackney Mayor Philip] #Glanville for partying with paedophile – so what about Mandelson?
Glanville suspended [by #Labour] for attending Eurovision party with disgraced former [Hackney] councillor [and convicted pardophile] Thomas #Dewey – and #Mandelson stayed involved with [Geoffrey] #Epstein long after Epstein pleaded guilty to child trafficking, yet remains a key #Starmer adviser”
via @skwawkbox
#glanville #labour #dewey #mandelson #epstein #starmer #labourhypocrisy #starmerlies #StarmerOut #stopstarmer
@therightarticle “In blocking the #Left from a visible political presence, in stifling its ideas and creativity in a time of crisis, #Starmer is leaving the field open to the #FarRight. They will be only too eager to highlight and exploit the deficiencies of a soulless @UKLabour - one that pays no more than lip service to resolving #Britain’s problems.
And they will doubtless also scapegoat the usual suspects - not the rich, not those in power, but immigrants, Jews and ‘communists’ - who will be blamed for bringing the #UK to its knees.
Ultimately, the smearing of #Corbyn and the #Labour left will bring about the very things the Labour right and the #EstablishmentMedia claim they seek to avert: Britain will become a darker, more #racist, more authoritarian place.”
via Jonathan_K_Cook
#StopStarmer #NeverLabour #StarmerOut #RedTories #NeverVoteLabourAgain #LabourRacism #LabourZionism #LabourFriendsOfIsrael #LabourFriendsOfApartheid #LabourEnablesApartheid
#left #starmer #farright #britain #uk #corbyn #labour #establishmentMedia #racist #stopstarmer #neverlabour #StarmerOut #redtories #nevervotelabouragain #labourracism #labourzionism #labourfriendsofisrael #labourfriendsofapartheid #labourenablesapartheid
#Starmer wobbling on #ULEZ, says mother of girl who died due to #pollution
#asthma #London #UK #STARMEROUT #airpollution
#starmer #ulez #pollution #asthma #london #uk #StarmerOut #airpollution
#JamieDriscoll, Mayor for #NorthOfTyne on #BBCNewsnight confronting #rightwingLabour
#jamiedriscoll #BBCNewsnight #rightwinglabour #UKshitshow #StarmerOut #northoftyne #sirkidstarver
#KeirStarmer is catering to the wrong people with endless U-turns | #Pubcast #9 clip
#PoliticsJoe #keirstarmer #pubcast #StarmerOut #UKshitshow
Yesterday I had a cold call from "Labour First". I've not been a Labour member for nearly 4 years, so why do THEY have my number? I was what you could call "Firm but Polite" when I said "No Thank You", phrased to sound like "Piss off you treacherous scum!". Looks like desperation to me. #StarmerOut
REVEALED: #Starmer's Hidden Past
#starmer #NovaraMediaNews #StarmerOut #UKshitshow
#NoamChomsky on #KeirStarmer's attack on the #LabourLeft, the war on #unions and the future of #AI
#PoliticsJoe #noamchomsky #keirstarmer #labourleft #unions #ai #StarmerOut #UKshitshow
@therightarticle What? Starmer abandoning a pledge he made in his leadership campaign? SURELY not!! That's never happened before! #Sarcasm #StarmerOut
@therightarticle Time for #Raynor to stand up and be counted. The #Labour party is not a good place to be for honest politicians.
#Starmer is slowly killing his party.
#raynor #Labour #Starmer #StarmerOut
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65365978 Well Starmer is really doing a number on all the remaining socialists in the party.
Funny that no one is allowed to talk about the racism the Jews are subjecting the Palestinians too. I hope Labour get an absolute trouncing in the polls. #starmerout
In a true democracy, there would now be an inquiry into how #KeirStarmer was allowed to win a leadership election by lying and then digging in, purging those who oppose the policies he could never have won with in the first place to stay in power.
RT @raphaeldogg
When you and I said this, beginning several months back, centrists exploded, spouting reams of dubious facts. Nice to see the cat finally out of the bag.
#DontVoteLabour https://twitter.com/wales_steve/status/1646502186489204740
#DontVoteLabour #StarmerOut #StarmerIsCack
@CEMedia One of the things Corbyn should be remembered for is his refusal to engage in name-calling and gutter poltics at PMQs. Instead he brought real life problems from constituents in an attempt to debate. His decency at the despatch box was frequently howled down by the Tories.
Compare and contrast.
#corbyn #StarmerOut #gutterpolitics #bringbacksocialism