Some more #scifiart for #gunmetalvoyager. Trying out a much looser, reflexive style. Also thinking about drawing more dynamic, diverse characters. What do you think?
#Gunmetal #voyager #spaceship #space #scifi #spacecraft #spacetravel #spaceart #digitalart #illustration # timelapse #digitalartist #digitalartwork #starship #scifiart #ttrpgs #rpg #tabletopgames
#scifiart #gunmetalvoyager #gunmetal #voyager #spaceship #space #scifi #spacecraft #spacetravel #spaceart #DigitalArt #illustration #digitalartist #digitalartwork #Starship #ttrpgs #rpg #tabletopgames
Lot of joy over #Starship blowing up the launching pad. Lot of joy over rich people dying while visiting the #Titanic.
I suspect we're in the bite your own leg off part of this social collapse. Which would worry me, if I was a billionaire, because it probably leads to the tumbrels-to-the-guillotine stage.
Did you know there's an #underwater #oceanic #itchio #bundle with but a few days left? One of my games is in the bundle (SIGNALS FROM THE DEEP), floating amidst other #grand #games about #tea, #sea #shanties, a #squad of #sirens, and a #waterbound #crashing #starship! 🌊🐙🐸🐬🐟
#underwater #oceanic #itchio #bundle #grand #games #tea #sea #Shanties #Squad #sirens #waterbound #crashing #Starship
Unsere aktuelle Podcast-Folge ist da.
Bevor eine Rakete überhaupt abheben kann, braucht es einen geeigneten Startplatz. Klingt trivial, ist es aber nicht! Das hat der erste Testflug der Riesenrakete „#Starship“ von SpaceX gezeigt. Die hat beim Abheben den Betonboden der Rampe pulverisiert und Brocken wie Geschosse durch die Luft fliegen lassen. Wie muss ein Startplatz konstruiert werden? Und geht #Raumfahrt zu Lasten der Bevölkerung am Startgelände?
Brave Nightingale
A-CS42 Vx: R1 Cx: ABCDYZ
300 tons
Crew: 6
Passage: High 2 Mid 2 Low 8
Cargo: 85 tons
Fuel: 63.6 tons
Acceleration: 4G
Jump: 2
Landing Legs with Pads
Anti-Kinetic Composite Polymer Armor
Ultimate AR Triple Missile Turret
Advanced Vd Triple Beam Laser Turret
Ultimate Vd Triple Sandcaster Turret
Cost: 144,128,117 Cr
#TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #Traveller5 #Starship #FarTrader #IanStead #SoloRpg #Solo #SoloTraveller #Foreven #BraveNightingale
#ttrpg #traveller #travellerrpg #traveller5 #Starship #fartrader #ianstead #soloRPG #solo #solotraveller #foreven #bravenightingale
I’m considering other adjectives for Nightingale. Fierce. Independent. Stalwart. Ambitious. Lots of possibilities.
#TTRPG #TravellerRpg #TravellerSolo #SoloRpg #Traveller5 #Foreven #FarTrader #ClassicTraveller #Nightingale #Starship #StarshipNames
#ttrpg #travellerrpg #travellersolo #soloRPG #traveller5 #foreven #fartrader #ClassicTraveller #nightingale #Starship #starshipnames
@arstechnica ⬆️
The ‘launch’ of the presidential campaign of #RonDeSantis on #Twitter is reminiscent of the launch 🚀 of the #Starship by #SpaceX. 😂
Maybe put the campaign on #Hyperloop ?
#rondesantis #Twitter #Starship #spacex #hyperloop
@SocraticEthics #RonDeSantis 'entered the Republican Race' like #ElmoMush 's #Starship entered the stratosphere! 😂
#rondesantis #elmomush #Starship
#RonDeSantis opts to ‘launch’ his presidential campaign on the #birdsite , and it goes about as well as the #Starship 🚀 launch by #SpaceX. 😂 👉
Good job, Elmo! 👏
#rondesantis #birdsite #Starship #spacex
I didn't know that #MikePence commanded the #Starship #Odyssey in #DS9 - I am expecting him to screw up and become dead pretty soon though.
#ds9 #odyssey #Starship #mikepence
Na město pršel beton, hořely křoviny. Aktivisté podali žalobu kvůli startu Space X. #Starship
O @PallottaPedro vez um vídeo explicando todo histórico do #Starship , recomendo demais que assistam. Parabéns @spaceorbitnews pelo ótimo trabalho… todo lançamento acompanho com vcs! 👏👏👏🚀
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding finished! Welcome aboard the Nightsister! PEW PEW PEW!
Against the lighter background you can see how dark she actually looks (previous picture was reflecting a lot of light and against a dark background).
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 13. Finishing Touches.
I drybrush all the gunmetal parts with brushed steel color paint. I paint over the cockpit windows with clear nail polish to make them nice and shiny.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 12. Painting.
I drybrush most of it with gunmetal. I paint over some areas with red. I leave the cockpit windows black, paint the cockpit window frames with brushed steel color. The swivel turret is now in place.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding
#ttrpg #ScratchBuilt #StarWars #Starship #SciFi #TerrainBuilding step 11.
Blackbombed everything with black spray paint. Some styrene has been welded on with special plastic model glue as well. It sticks to mod-podge and also to other plastic bits.
#ttrpg #Scratchbuilt #starwars #Starship #scifi #terrainbuilding