Last night, geminid meteors were active. Caught quite a few between 11 pm to 4 am. These are long exposure pictures, first picture was 5 hours. All pictures taken on my iphone. For power, I just plugged in phone to an extension cord and ran the cord to an outside wall outlet.
#photography #longexposure #photo #meteor #Geminids #ShootingStar #mississippi #Space #spaceweather #Startrails
#photography #longexposure #photo #meteor #geminids #ShootingStar #mississippi #Space #spaceweather #Startrails
#introduction. Just a lad from #Devon who loves the #coast and #moors. I’m mainly here to listen and learn from fellow humans, but may occasionally post #photography of my surroundings for anyone who is interested 😊 Here’s one for starters of #startrails over #Burrator reservoir on #Dartmoor
#introduction #Devon #coast #moors #photography #Startrails #Burrator #dartmoor
Recording the movement of night objects like stars, planets, sattelites, ISS and meteors fascinate me. These pictures were star trails taken the past few nights. I used my iPhone 13 Pro Max, tripod, and an app that allows me to take long exposure pictures. I start the camera usually 15 to 20 minutes after the sunset and I will let it run all night (8 to 10 hour time exposure pictures)
#stars #Startrails #nightsky #nightskyphotography #astronomy #nightphotography #nightphotos
#stars #Startrails #nightsky #nightskyphotography #astronomy #nightphotography #nightphotos
Von sich kreisenden Sternen kann ich echt nie genug bekommen.
Hier eine Langzeitaufnahme mit 60 gestackten Bildern. Was ein Aufwand, die Flugzeuge rauszumalen. Doch es hat sich für mich wieder gelohnt ☺️
#fotografie #astrofotografie #sternspuren #sterne #burg #nacht #himmel #architektur #silhouette
#photography #stars #startrails #castle #night #sky #longexposure #architecture #mood
#art #fineart #mastoart #fediart
#fotografie #Astrofotografie #sternspuren #Sterne #burg #nacht #himmel #Architektur #silhouette #photography #stars #Startrails #castle #night #sky #longexposure #architecture #mood #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart
Nachdem ich eine knappe halbe Stunde probierte und immer wieder die Perspektive änderte, hatte ich endlich meine Position gefunden und konnte mich endlich den wichtigen Dingen zuwenden:
Unserem Nachthimmel, der mich immer noch so wahnsinnig fasziniert.
#fotografie #astrofotografie #sternspuren #sterne #kapelle #nacht #himmel #weinreben #architektur
#photography #stars #startrails #chapel #vineyard #night #sky #longexposure #architecture #mood
#art #fineart #mastoart #fediart
#fotografie #Astrofotografie #sternspuren #Sterne #Kapelle #nacht #himmel #weinreben #Architektur #photography #stars #Startrails #chapel #vineyard #night #sky #longexposure #architecture #mood #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart