"Europa erhitzt sich schneller als jeder andere Kontinent der Erde – und die Zahl der Hitzetoten, Waldbrände und Dürren nimmt weiter zu." #StateoftheClimate #Klimakrise
#StateOfTheClimate #KlimaKrise
State of Climate Report key points:
Aust climate average temp 🔺 1.47 ± 0.24 °C since 1910.
SST 🔺 average of 1.05 °C since 1900 = 🔺 frequency of extreme heat events.
Rainfall in SW & SE Aust 🔻since 1970.
🔻 streamflow since 1975.
Rainfall & streamflow 🔺 across parts of North Aust since 1970s.
🔺extreme fire weather & fire season.
🔻snow depth, snow cover & number of snow days.
🔺ocean acidification & warming since 1990.
🔺sea levels rising
#StateOfTheClimate #climatechange
The #WorldMeteorologicalOrganization published the provisional #StateOfTheClimate 2022 a few days ago. I have contributed with mass balance data from the #GreenlandIceSheet based on Mankoff et al. (https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-5001-2021), of which I am a co-author.
#GreenlandIceSheet #StateOfTheClimate #worldmeteorologicalorganization